Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa EUROPHRAS2018: Reproducibility from a phraseological perspective: Structural, functional and cultural aspects, 10-12 września 2018 : [71]
Strona glówna kolekcji Zobacz statystyki

    Reproducibility and Variation of Figurative Expressions:
    Theoretical Aspects and Applications

    Marija Omazić
    Jelena Parizoska

    Białystok 2020



  1. Marija Omazić, Jelena Parizoska
  2. Branka Barčot
    Übersetzung von phraseologischen Okkasionalismen, geprägt von Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić
  3. Anita Naciscione
    Reproducibility of patterns of stylistic use of phraseological units: A cognitive diachronic view
  4. Marija Omazić, Romana Čačija
    Dynamic model of PU modification
  5. Ana Ostroški Anić, Sanja Kiš Žuvela
    Reproducibility of figurative terms in musical discourse
  6. Anita Pavić Pintarić
    Phraseologische Modifikation als Mittel der Bewertung in deutschen und kroatischen Fußballberichten
  7. Marija Perić, Nikolina Miletić
    Zauberhafte Modifikationen der Phraseme in Romanen von J. K. Rowling und ihre Übersetzung ins Deutsche und Kroatische
  8. Irina Zykova
    Cognitive factors regulating reproducibility of phraseological units in discourse: from linguistic creativity to experimenting in language

    Frazeologia a reprodukowalność w teorii i w praktyce komunikacyjnej: problemy - metody analizy - opis

    Wojciech Chlebda
    Jadwiga Tarsa

    Białystok 2020



  1. Wojciech Chlebda, Jadwiga Tarsa
  2. Olga Abakumova
    Воспроизводимость семантики и структуры пословицы при ее употреблении в художественном тексте
  3. Wojciech Chlebda
    Reprodukowalność, reprodukcja, reprodukty
  4. Olga Meshcheryakova
    Коммуникативная культура как объект воспроизводимости в русских пословицах с антропонимом
  5. Elena Nichyporchyk
    Воспроизводимое и вариативное в текстовых реализациях паремий
  6. Olga Orlova
    Тема рождения и её табуирование в русских и английских фразеологизмах
  7. Alicja Pstyga
    Reprodukowalność jednostek frazeologicznych w dyskursie prasowym
  8. Archan Sarkar
    Исходные положения воспроизводимости и долголетие фразеологических оборотов
  9. Jadwiga Tarsa
    Воспроизводимость сетевых фразеологизмов – универсальное и национальное
  10. Marta Wójcicka
    Reprodukcja wytworów i praktyk jako warunek pamięci zbiorowej
  11. Włodzimierz Wysoczański
    Сложности воспроизводимости. Репродуктивность фразем в свете инноваций (на материале выбранных единиц)

    Contexts and Plurality in Phraseology: Didactics, Learning and Translation

    Mariangela Albano
    Julia Miller

    Białystok 2020



  1. MᵃIsabel Gonzàlez-Rey
  2. Mariangela Albano, Julia Miller

  3. Part I. Perspectives in the teaching and learning of phraseology

  4. Haiping Lin
    L’emploi du proverbe et de son détournement dans l’enseignement de la rhétorique en chinois
  5. Irene Simonsen
    Die Didaktisierung reproduzierbarer Spracheinheiten: Übungstypen und schriftlicher Output von L2-Lernenden
  6. Nikolina Miletić, Marija Perić
    Interlinguale Darstellung von Phrasemen in kroatischen DaF-Lehrwerken
  7. Wenke Mückel
    Phraseodidaktische Ansätze zur Inklusion

  8. Part II. A translational approach to phraseology

  9. Sabina Mahmudova
    Problèmes d’équivalence et de traduction des proverbes (à partir d’un corpus de proverbes français et azerbaïdjanais)
  10. Fu’ad Al-Qaisi
    Profil combinatoire des collocations (Nom + Adjectif) entre le français et l’arabe: l’enchaînement collocationnel à la loupe
  11. Fedor I. Pankov, Irina V. Tresorukova
    “Passe-partout” verbs (pronominal verbs) in Russian and Greek: approach to the subject and comparative analysis

  12. Part III. Phraseology and languages for specific purposes perspective

  13. Sylva Reznikova
    Equality in minority language maintenance – the phrasing of law
  14. Ester Mellado Blanes
    A semasiological approximation to press information in Spanish: a cognitive linguistics perspective

    Applied Linguistics Perspectives on Reproducible Multiword Units: Foreign Language Teaching and Lexicography

    Joanna Szerszunowicz
    Ewa Gorlewska

    Białystok 2020



  1. Joanna Szerszunowicz, Ewa Gorlewska

  2. Part I. Phraseological Competence: Problems and Errors in FLT

  3. Ana Ćavar, Ivana Vidović Bolt
    Phraseological Competence and Stability of Structure in Phraseological Units
  4. Ewa Dubowik-Baradoy
    Schwierigkeiten polnischer Muttersprachler bei der Übersetzung polnischer Phraseme ins Deutsche. Bericht anhand von redaktionellen Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen im Alltag
  5. Liudmila Liashchova
    Phraseological Errors in a Foreigner’s Talk Discourse and Their Reasons

  6. Part II. Idioms and Phrasemes in FLT

  7. Nataša Kurtuma
    Phraseologische Sachgruppen in DaF-Lehrwerken
  8. Clara Ureña Tormo
    Desautomatization of Spanish verbal idioms: an application to language teaching

  9. Part III. Phraseographical issues from a mono- and bilingual perspective

  10. Erica Autelli
    Phrasemes in Genoese and Genoese-Italian Lexicography
  11. Svitlana Melnyk
    Lexikalische Veränderungen bei Phraseologismen mit der Bedeutung ‘materieller Zustand des Menschen’ (19.–20. Jahrhundert)
  12. Snežana Popović
    Onomasiological dictionary in bilingual phraseology
  13. Monika Woźniak
    Nationality idioms across monolingual dictionaries for learners of English

    Reproducible Multiword Expressions from a Theoretical and Empirical Perspective

    Joanna Szerszunowicz
    Martyna Awier

    Białystok 2020



  1. Joanna Szerszunowicz, Martyna Awier

  2. Part I. Multiaspectiality of reseach on phrasemes: kinds of units, their specificity and functions

  3. María Auxiliadora Barrios Rodríguez
    Lexical Functions and Pragmatic Functions: a Proposal for the Formalization of the Pragmatemes within the Meaning-Text Theory
  4. Tatsiana Maiko
    What Can You Give in Italian that You Can’t Give in Russian? A Contrastive Study of Constructions with the Light Verbs dare in Italian and davat’/dat’ in Russian
  5. Antonio Pamies
    Phrasal Verbs, Idiomaticity and the Fixedness Continuum
  6. Iris Vogel
    Representing Gestural Idioms in the Lexicon

  7. Part II. Dynamics of phraseological stock

  8. Tetiana Anokhina
    The Form Changes and Shifts of Meaning of the English MWUs
  9. Damien Villers
    Phraseological Blunders: When New Phrasemes Are Born from Errors

  10. Part III. Variability of fixed expressions

  11. Chen Ting
    Types and Degrees of Variation in English and Chinese Phraseological Units
  12. Tomáš Jelínek
    Multi-word Lexical Units with Repetition of Lexemes in Czech and Identification of Their Variants
  13. Marie Kopřivová
    Variability of Czech Verbal Phrasemes: Case Study of dát (‘to give’)

  14. Part IV. Reproducibility from a theoretical perspective

  15. Wolfgang Eismann
    Reproduzierbarkeit als unikales Kriterium zur Bestimmung von Phraseologismen. Zu den Verdiensten von Leonid Ivanovič Rojzenzon um die phraseologische Theorie
  16. Marina Gutovskaya
    Phrasemes: Reasons for Reproducibility and Specificity of Sign Functions

  17. Part V. Identification and analyses of phrasemes across language varieties

  18. Ewa Kozioł-Chrzanowska
    The Problems and (some) Solutions of Identifying Key Multi-word Expressions (MWEs). The Case Study of Polish Newspeak
  19. Katie Ní Loingsigh
    Irish-language Idioms: an Overview and Analysis of Idioms in the Published Work of Peadar Ó Laoghaire
  20. Daniela Prutscher
    Phraseme und Wortverbindungen in der deutschen Wissenschaftssprache

    Reproducibility of multiword expressions in paremiological and linguo-cultural studies

    Joanna Szerszunowicz

    Białystok 2021



  1. Joanna Szerszunowicz

  2. Part I. Phraseology from the Perspective of Applied Linguistics and Ethnolinguistics

  3. Jean-Pierre Colson
    Phraseology and Cognitive Entrenchment: Corpus-based Evidence and Applications for Language Teaching and Translation
  4. Munzhedzi James Mafela
    Exploring Culture-related Idioms in Tshivenḓa

  5. Part II. Phraseology Across Languages: an Onomasiological Perspective

  6. Jasminka Delova-Siljanova
    Somatic Phrases: Macedonian-Czech Parallels
  7. Nana Stambolishvili, Anzor Abuseridze
    Deutsche und georgische Phraseologismen mit Farbensymbolik

  8. Part III. A Contrastive Analyses of Notions Expressed by Reproducible Language Units

  9. Anna O’Byrne
    Lingvoculturological Aspect of Russian, Bulgarian and Polish Proverbs on the Subject of Human and Human Nature
  10. Radostina Zaharieva
    Rumeur et calomnie – modalités du mensonge ( étude contrastive d’unités idiomatiques françaises, roumaines et bulgares)

  11. Part IV. Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Proverbs

  12. Liisa Granbom-Herranen
    A Regional Newspaper as a Repository for Proverbial Expressions – Proverbs Included in SMS Messages
  13. Bożena Kochman-Haładyj
    Weather Proverbs/Sayings as Modes of Exhorting People to Take or Refrain from Action
  14. Outi Lauhakangas
    Better Familiar Bad than Unfamiliar Good. Re-evaluation of Common Values by Proverb Use

  15. Part V. Phraseological Units and Their Textual Potential in Literary and Political Discourse

  16. Elena V. Carter
    “With an Open Soul and Heart”: Nikita Khrushchev’s Translated Messages to the American People
  17. Ludmila Torlakova
    Use of Figurative Language in The Land of the Sun by Hanan al-Shaykh

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Collection's Items (Sortowane przez Data zamieszczenia w Malejąco kolejnośi): 41 do 60 z 71
Data wydaniaTytułAutor(rzy)PromotorRedaktor(rzy)
2020Nationality idioms across monolingual dictionaries for learners of EnglishWoźniak, Monika--
2020Onomasiological dictionary in bilingual phraseologyPopović, Snežana--
2020Lexikalische Veränderungen bei Phraseologismen mit der Bedeutung ‘materieller Zustand des Menschen’ (19.–20. Jahrhundert)Melnyk, Svitlana--
2020Phrasemes in Genoese and Genoese-Italian LexicographyAutelli, Erica--
2020Desautomatization of Spanish verbal idioms: an application to language teachingUreña Tormo, Clara--
2020Phraseologische Sachgruppen in DaF-LehrwerkenKurtuma, Nataša--
2020Phraseological Errors in a Foreigner’s Talk Discourse and Their ReasonsLiashchova, Liudmila--
2020Schwierigkeiten polnischer Muttersprachler bei der Übersetzung polnischer Phraseme ins Deutsche. Bericht anhand von redaktionellen Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen im AlltagDubowik-Baradoy, Ewa--
2020Phraseological Competence and Stability of Structure in Phraseological UnitsĆavar, Ana; Vidović Bolt, Ivana--
2020IntroductionSzerszunowicz, Joanna; Gorlewska, Ewa--
2020Cognitive factors regulating reproducibility of phraseological units in discourse: from linguistic creativity to experimenting in languageZykova, Irina--
2020Zauberhafte Modifikationen der Phraseme in Romanen von J. K. Rowling und ihre Übersetzung ins Deutsche und KroatischePerić, Marija; Miletić, Nikolina--
2020Phraseologische Modifikation als Mittel der Bewertung in deutschen und kroatischen FußballberichtenPavić Pintarić, Anita--
2020Reproducibility of figurative terms in musical discourseOstroški Anić, Ana; Kiš Žuvela, Sanja--
2020Dynamic model of PU modificationOmazić, Marija; Čačija, Romana--
2020Reproducibility of patterns of stylistic use of phraseological units: A cognitive diachronic viewNaciscione, Anita--
2020Übersetzung von phraseologischen Okkasionalismen, geprägt von Ivana Brlić-MažuranićBarčot, Branka--
2020ForewordOmazić, Marija; Parizoska, Jelena--
2020Сложности воспроизводимости. Репродуктивность фразем в свете инноваций (на материале выбранных единиц)Wysoczański, Włodzimierz--
2020Reprodukcja wytworów i praktyk jako warunek pamięci zbiorowejWójcicka, Marta--
Collection's Items (Sortowane przez Data zamieszczenia w Malejąco kolejnośi): 41 do 60 z 71