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Rezultaty 11-20 z 63 (Czas wyszukiwania: 0.009 sekund).
Odsłon pozycji:
Data wydaniaTytułAutor(rzy)PromotorRedaktor(rzy)
2018On Education in the Global Culture of LawfulnessRedo, Sławomir--
2018Education for the Promotion of Culture of Lawfulness: The Role of Global Citizenship Education and Social and Emotional SkillsKubacka, Katarzyna--
2018Polityka w edukacji i edukacja w polityceBabicka-Wirkus, Anna--
2018Wyzwanie zakorzenione w doświadczeniu edukacyjnym młodzieży Karola Wojtyły i Luigiego GiussaniegoGerosa, Libero--
2018Report on the implementation of the project “NO AUTism! The education and personal development of the doctoral student with autism – the status quo and interdisciplinary optimization of social and professional perspectives”Zoń, Wojciech--
2019Language Taught to Students with Refugee Background Integration. The Context and the Importance of Developing Intercultural Communication Competence in School EducationMłynarczuk-Sokołowska, Anna--
2019Laudato Si and Pope Francis’ “Hero”, Romano Guardinide Gaál, Emery--
2018Educational Possibilities in Contemporary SchoolsZając, Marian--
5-mar-2020Higher legal education in Belarus and Poland through the prism of the human right to educationKrasnitskaya, LiubouBagan-Kurluta, Katarzyna-
2020Культурно-просветительская деятельность Иоанна, Евгения и Владимира Хлебцевичей на территории православного прихода Вознесения Господня в Клейниках в начале ХХ векаKuprianowicz, Adrian--