Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies, 2014, Issue 6 : [4]
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  1. Siergiej Grinev-Griniewicz
    Terminological aspects of modern language policy

    1. Alpatov V.M. 2005. Language situation in regions of the present-day Russia (in Russian) – Otechestvennyje zapiski. - Moscow, № 2(23).
    2. Ammon U. 2005. Language Politics In: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Ed. Elsevier. DOI
    3. Blommaert J. 2006. Language ideology In: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Ed. Elsevier. DOI
    4. de Cillia R. and Busch B. 2006. Language Policies: Policies on Language in Europe In: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Ed., Elsevier. DOI
    5. Desheriev Ju.D. 1990. Language Policy. In: Encyclopaedic dictionary “Linguistics”. Moscow, Soviet Encyclopaedia (in Russian).
    6. Grenoble L. 2006. Endangered Languages In: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Ed. Elsevier. DOI
    7. Grinev S.V. 1979. Compiling a Thesaurus. Fachsprache, Wien, No.4, 154-161.
    8. Grinev S.V. 1986. Perspectives and prerequisites of regulating nomenclature units (in Rus.). Nauchno-tehnicheskaya terminologia. Moscow, VNIIKI, No.10,1-5.
    9. Grinev S.V. 1987. Principles of regulating technical nomenclature units (in Rus.). Nauchnotehnicheskaya terminologia. Moscow, VNIIKI, No.1,6-10.
    10. Grinev S.V. 1993. The Perspectives of Terminology Theory: the Quest For Regularities // Selected Readings in Russian Terminology Research. Wien, 13-27.
    11. Grinev S.V. 1994. Theoretical Foundations of Russian Terminology Work: Peculiarities and Perspectives // Applications and Implications. Current LSP Research. Vol.1. Bergen, .49-56
    12. Grinev-Griniewicz S.V. 2008. Terminology Science: a manual for the higher education students. Moscow, Akademia (in Russian).
    13. Griniewicz, Siergiusz. 2006. Terminology in the era of globalisation // Terminologija. No.13. Vilnius.
    14. Guidelines for Terminology Policies. Formulating and implementing terminology policy in language communities / prepared by Infoterm. Paris: UNESCO, 2005. ix, 39 p.; 30 cm. (CI-2005/WS/4).
    15. Kulisz N.I. 1984. Methodics of creating international nomenclature of surgical operations (in Rus.). – Nauchno-tehnicheskaya terminologia. Moscow, VNIIKI, No.6.
    16. Paulston C. B. 1997. ‘Language policies and language rights.’ Annual Review of Anthropology 26, 73–85. DOI
    17. Shvejtser A.D. (1990) Sociolinguistics. In: Encyclopaedic dictionary “Linguistics”. Moscow, Soviet Encyclopaedia (in Russian).
    18. Sorokina E.A. 2007. Cognitive aspects of lexical design (Towards fundamentals of cognitive terminology science). Moscow, Publishing house MGOU.
    19. Spolsky B., Lambert R.D. 2006. Language Planning and Policy: Models In: Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Ed Elsevier. DOI
    20. The Oxford Companion to the English language. 1992. Oxford-New York, Oxford University Press.
    21. Veselov P.V. 1971. Structure of terms of definitial type (On the material of terminology of plastics and soft imitation leather products) (in Russian): Dis.Cand. Philology. Moscow.
    22. Vinogradov V.A. 1990. Language Situation. In: Encyclopaedic dictionary “Linguistics” – Moscow, Soviet Encyclopaedia (in Russian).
  2. Weronika Łaszkiewicz
    Jack London: a writing sailor, a sailing writer
  3. Izabela Olszak
    Graphic and semantic organizers as cognitive strategies in reading instruction


  5. Katarzyna Kacprowska
    Aspects of assimilation in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake

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2014Aspects of Assimilation in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The NamesakeKacprowska, Katarzyna--
2014Graphic and semantic organizers as cognitive strategies in reading instructionOlszak, Izabela--
2014Jack London: a writing sailor, a sailing writerŁaszkiewicz, Weronika--
2014Terminological aspects of modern language policyGrinev-Griniewicz, Siergiej--
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