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dc.contributor.authorLiptáková, Ľudmila-
dc.identifier.citationCrossroads. A Journal of English Studies 24 (1/2019), pp. 12-25pl
dc.description.abstractThe paper focuses on defining the relationship between developmental linguistics and L1 education. We consider both theories and empirical research in developmental linguistics an important theoretical basis for L1 education, especially in pre-school and junior school aged children. The examples of research on child language in Slovak speaking children are used to clarify the possibilities of transforming the findings in developmental linguistics into the curriculum of language learning/teaching. The dynamic interactions of implicit and explicit linguistic knowledge in L1 education is the way how developmental linguistics’ knowledge base can positively influence the results of language learning. The paper is based both on the analysis of theoretical sources and the empirical findings of qualitative linguistic
dc.description.sponsorshipThis study is being carried out under the auspices of the Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, research project VEGA 1/0353/18 Implicit linguistic knowledge of a junior school-aged child. The project is being conducted between 2018 and 2020. Institutional Executor: University of Prešov, Faculty of Education. Head of Project: Professor Ľudmila Liptáková,
dc.publisherThe University of Bialystokpl
dc.subjectdevelopmental linguisticspl
dc.subjectL1 educationpl
dc.subjectSlovak speaking childrenpl
dc.subjectimplicit and explicit linguistic knowledgepl
dc.titleWhat Developmental Linguistics Can Offer L1 Education. An Example of the Relation between Implicit and Explicit Word-formation Knowledge in Slovak Speaking Childrenpl
dc.description.BiographicalnoteĽudmila Liptáková, PhD, is a professor at the University of Prešov, Faculty of Education, Slovakia. She works in the field of linguistics and methodology of L1 teaching/learning. Her research covers the following areas: word-formation of the contemporary Slovak language; lexical and word-formation development in Slovak speaking children; implicit linguistic knowledge of a child; methodology of L1 teaching/learning; stimulation of executive and cognitive functions in junior school aged children. She is a member of The International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE) and participated in ARLE
dc.description.AffiliationUniversity of Prešov, Slovakiapl
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dc.description.issue24 (1/2019)
dc.identifier.citation2Crossroads. A Journal of English Studiespl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies, 2019, Issue 24

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