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dc.contributor.authorSuchoń, Aneta-
dc.identifier.citationStudia Iuridica Agraria T. 13, 2015, s. 133-150pl
dc.description.abstractThis article attempts to assess the legal rules governing the organization and functioning of groups and organizations of agricultural producers in Poland in the context of new challenges resulting from the Common Agricultural Policy. This issue is particularly important due to some changes to legal regulations introduced by the Act of 11 September 2015, as well as of 10 July 2015. The paper presents the basic objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy and the legal regulations on the associations of farmers in the EU legislation. Special attention is given to the scope of their tasks and challenges arising from the EU regulations. Next, the paper focuses on legal regulations of the operation of groups of agricultural producers, initially recognized groups and organizations of fruit and vegetables and milk producer organizations in Poland. It emphasizes the relationship between the group (organization) of agricultural producers and its members’ farm. Its purpose is closely linked with agricultural activities of its members. They take over from agricultural producers running an agricultural activity some of the obligations related to, e.g. the sales of agricultural products, marketing, taking some agrotechnological actions or purchasing the means of production. Special attention is paid to the change to legal regulations concerning the organization and functioning of groups and organizations of agricultural producers (e.g. the process of registration, the entity performing control and supervision). In conclusion, the author points out that the above analyses have confirmed that the legislator, both the EU and the Polish one, is trying to introduce the legal instruments that will encourage farmers to associate. The development of agricultural producer groups and implementation of new challenges of the CAP depend not only on legislation concerning their organization and functioning as well as financing, but also on the agrarian structure and socio-economic situation in the Member
dc.publisherTemida 2pl
dc.titleGrupy i organizacje producentów rolnych wobec wyzwań Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej 2014-2020pl
dc.title.alternativeGroups and organizations of agricultural producers in the context of the challenges of the Common Agricultural Policy 2014-2020pl
dc.description.AffiliationUniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniupl
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Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Studia Iuridica Agraria, 2015, tom XIII

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