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dc.contributor.authorMaroszek, Józef-
dc.identifier.citationStudia Podlaskie T. 2, 1989, s. 56-70pl
dc.description500 lat osadnictwa żydowskiego na Podlasiu. Materiały z konferencji międzynarodowej, Białystok, 14 - 17 września 1987
dc.description500 Years of the Jewish Settlement in Podlasie. Popers From the International Conference, Białystok, September 14 - 17,
dc.description.abstractThe settlement of Jews in villages in the 17th and 18th centuries has not been the topie of historical research. In 1765, however, in Podlasie and Mazowsze, more than half of the Jews lived in villages (in the Podlaskie Voivodship - 55%, in the Mazowieckie - 59%). These were the highest percentages for all Poland. What was the professional status of the rural Jews? There existed a close dependece between the Jewish settlement in villages and the new structure of the internal market in Poland. In the 17th and the 18th centuries new rural market sites came into being, most frequently through royal privileges. Markets took place every Sunday during religious meetings and once a year at fair of indulgences. These meetings concerned both religion and trade. Almost every locality with a church became a market place. Royal privileges organized trade in 35 villages of the Podlaskie Voivodship (Czarna Cerkiewna, Dąbrówka Kościelna, Dolistowo Stare, Dołubowo, Dziatkowice, Górki; Granne Kościelne, Huszlew, Jabłonka Kościelna, Jabłonna Lacka, Kulesze Kościelne, Kobylin Borzymy, Korczew, Kożany, Łysów, Nieciecz Włościańska, Niemierki, Ostrożany, Paprotnia, Pietkowo, Pobikry, Prostyń, Przesmyki, Rozbity Kamień, Rudka, Ryboly, Sarnaki, Skrzeszew, Sokoły, Sterdynia, Tajno, Topczewo, Wyszonki Kościelne). Basic group of tradesmen at village fairs were Jews arriving from surrounding towns, but also those who settled in these villages. Apart from trade they were also involved with handicraft. At the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries new waves of the Jewish settlers from Germany, Prussia, Ukraine and Russia came to Poland. The newcomers found it impossible to settle in towns. Looking for sources of income and places to live they settled near rural market places. In 1750 28 Jews lived in Pietkowo, 180 in Topczewo, 130 in Wyszonki Kościelne, 163 in Sokoły. In the last three villages rural Kahals functioned. The nobility did not apply for urban privileges for market - villages since the Jews did not need to create self-governments. From the legal point of view these localities remained villages. Thus the „rural" Jews were not involved with agriculture, but trade and manufacture of goods. The Jewish settlement in villages near markets had fundamental significance for the development of the internal trade. It brought closer the producer and the purchaser. Hence the Jewish population played the important role for the development of domestic trade, particulary in the region of Podlasie and
dc.publisherDział Wydawnictw Filii UW w Białymstokupl
dc.titleŻydzi wiejscy na Podlasiu w XVII i XVIII wieku w świetle przemian struktury rynku wewnętrznegopl
dc.title.alternativeThe Rural Jews in Podlasie in the 17th a nd 18th Centuries in the Light of Changes in the Internal Market's Structurepl
dc.identifier.citation2Studia Podlaskiepl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Studia Podlaskie, 1989, tom II

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