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dc.contributor.authorPilarska, Justyna-
dc.identifier.citationPogranicze. Studia Społeczne, T. 25, 2015, s. 221-233pl
dc.description.abstractThe article tackles the issue of methodological paradigms in research on multicultural education. It embraces reflections over the traditional approach engaging biased, europocentric stand, often questioning the principle of the equality of cultures, but on the other hand provides with a proposal of introduction of the indigenous model to the widely perceived practice of constructing and conducting intercultural research projects. Such perspectives allows the researched communities to participate actively in the process of research at each stage, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge taking into account cultural difference, hence being culturally conscious. An example of own researching experiences from the region of Bosnia-Herzegovina is provided in the context of appropriate preparation for indigenous approach in research. The author additionally proposes a set of specific competences and soft skills which facilitate such approach if manifested by the researcher, to recall openness, flexibility, adaptation skills and open-mindedness for
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstokupl
dc.subjectindigenous researchpl
dc.subjectcultural diversitypl
dc.subjectEuropocentric research paradigmpl
dc.subjectresearcher’s soft skillspl
dc.subjectcultural borderlandpl
dc.titlePerspektywa indygeniczna w badaniach środowisk zróżnicowanych kulturowo – ku metodologicznej wrażliwości kulturowejpl
dc.title.alternativeIndigenous perspective in researching culturally diverse communities – towards methodological cultural sensitivitypl
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dc.identifier.citation2Pogranicze. Studia Społecznepl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Pogranicze. Studia Społeczne, 2015, tom XXV

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