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dc.contributor.authorKurowska, Teresa-
dc.identifier.citationStudia Iuridica Agraria T. 10, 2012, s. 13-27pl
dc.description.abstractProfessor W. Pańko as a scientist was very keen on many scientific disciplines covering private law and public law. His interests were connected with the issues of property right as well as town and country planning. On this plane there criss– crossed various threads: urban, agricultural, ecological. Two monographs have brought the significant role in development of the doctrine of agricultural law and theory of real estate property, i.e. “Land property in planned spatial development” and “About property right and its present functions”. The conceptions presented in the monographs have had undisputed impact on to development of the idea and the research directions in agricultural law and spatial planning. The negative appraisal of the legislative system of spatial planning within rural contemporary to him (in force in years: 1972–1986) and his influence on to shaping rural space is still actual. Therefore, requirement for improvement of the spatial planning system, including protection of rural spaces where the scope of spatial planning system should be provided with significantly stronger protection in a form of for example development plans of arable grounds, however approved by a voivode. In view of the increasing number of non–agricultural development of the new rural development acceptance of such solution becomes necessary, the process of dying out and devastation of farmsteads and development on rural areas, the decreasing number of agriculture land resources subject to strong pressure of the capital. This process can be favoured by the special support systems for rural areas from the European Union funds (for the years: 2014–2020) supporting differentiated economic activity, not only the agricultural one. Consequently, the absence in the spatial planning system of special protection instruments for agricultural production in rural areas may little by little bring to devastation of the agricultural
dc.publisherTemida 2pl
dc.subjectspatial planningpl
dc.subjectproperty rightpl
dc.subjectrural areaspl
dc.titleWłasność gruntowa a planowanie przestrzenne w dorobku naukowym Profesora Waleriana Pańkipl
dc.title.alternativeLand property versus spatial planning in Professor Walerian Pańko’s scientific attainmentspl
dc.description.AffiliationUniwersytet Śląski w Katowicachpl
dc.identifier.citation2Studia Iuridica Agrariapl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Studia Iuridica Agraria, 2012, tom X

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