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Tytuł: Жаночая вусная гісторыя (на матэрыяле аповеду старэйшай жыхаркі вёскі Гарэлкі Жабінкоўскага раёна)
Inne tytuły: Women’s Oral History (Based on the Story of the Oldest Resident of the Village of Gorelki, Zhabinka District)
Autorzy: Shved, Ina
Słowa kluczowe: oral history
traumatogenic events
vernacular tradition
folkloric personality
textual material
Data wydania: 2023
Data dodania: 21-cze-2024
Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Źródło: Białorutenistyka Białostocka, T. 15, 2023, s. 201-224
Abstrakt: The article uses the case study method to examine the peculiarities of narrativization of everyday female experience of “folkloric personality” in history, which includes the pre‑war (“under the Polish Pans”) and post‑‑war (“under Soviet power”) periods. Particular attention is paid to comprehending the survival strategy of “simple rural toilers” in extreme periods of history presented explicitly and implicitly in the text. The text, which is immersed in cultural, social, temporal and spatial contexts, indicates the verbal means of representation of evaluative meanings. The relevance of this research is conditioned by the necessity to reveal on the specific field material of Belarus, the scientific issues of memory and trauma, narrativization of everyday experience of a person in history (including the subjective experience of “pre‑Soviet and Soviet life”), comprehension of “national memory” as a problem of self‑‑identification in the mass post‑‑Soviet consciousness, as well as various aspects of gender history (including the consideration of survival strategies of women of different social status in extreme conditions). The main objective of this article is to identify the peculiarities of narrativization of ideas about “big” and “small” history, in which the life of a woman – an outstanding “folkloric personality” – is inscribed. The author transcribed and edited a recording (2023) of a conversation with a local resident of the Zhabinka district, and the resulting “oral history” material was interpreted using elements of narrative analysis, gender studies, and the case study method. It is shown that the ideas and images of oral historical (and at the same time biographical, moral, religious, psychological) narrative are formed under the influence of various mytho‑‑folklore, symbolic and epistemological factors.
Afiliacja: National Anhui University
Nota biograficzna: Ina Shved – dr hab., profesor Uniwersytetu Anhui, dyrektor Centrum Studiów Białoruskich (Chiny); autorka monografii: Раслінныя сімвалы беларускага фальклору (Брэст 2000), Дэндралагічны код беларускага традыцыйнага фальклору (Брэст 2004), Космас і чалавек у дэндралагічным кодзе беларускага фальклору (Брэст 2006), Словацкий фольклор: жанры, виды, поэтика (Брэст 2010), Міфалогія колеру ў беларускай традыцыйнай духоўнай культуры (Брэст 2011), Арніталагічны код беларускай традыцыйнай духоўнай культуры (Брэст 2019). Zainteresowania badawcze: praktyczne badania i teoretyczne rozumienie problemów tradycyjnej kultury słowiańskiej i jej kodów.
Sponsorzy: Праца выканана ў межах НДП “Апавядальны жаночы дыскурс у кантэксце фальклорнай традыцыі Брэстчыны” (№ д.р. 20211451).
DOI: 10.15290/bb.2023.15.12
ISSN: 2081-2515
metadata.dc.identifier.orcid: 0000-0002-9225-2031
Typ Dokumentu: Article
Właściciel praw: © Copyright by Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Białystok 2023
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Białorutenistyka Białostocka, 2023, tom 15

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