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dc.contributor.authorPopek, Katarzyna-
dc.identifier.citationIdea. Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych, vol. 31, 2019, s. 46-69pl
dc.descriptionNiniejszy tekst jest efektem także mojej późniejszej refleksji na temat zagadnień, które podejmowałam w pracy magisterskiej z filozofii pt. Filozofia języka a poezja. Teorie interpretacji, metafory i gier językowych w zastosowaniu do wybranych wierszy (obrona w 2013 r.).pl
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the text is to make some reconnaissance in the area of title "districts of metaphor" (or hunting grounds of metaphor) as well as reference to the unsolvable problems which are implied by a metaphorical mystery of metaphysical expressions. Thy are the order of the day in the main currents of philosophy. Starting from the rhetorical tradition of metaphor (the Aristotelian attempts of definition of metaphor as such) and of terms additional related with it (Max Black), I gradually illustrate what involves its post-rhetorical tradition. I show that philosophical symbolism derives from Aristotle’s hermeneutics, which becomes a gateway for understanding the mystery of metaphor. Like browsing in themselves mirrors, it grows also from simple phrases in complex sentences. In semantic sense, while the symbol has many meanings, the metaphor has a double meaning. It is not however limited by this matter, because in some sense, it has broader content than a symbol, as it introduces into language meanings that in the symbol are only internal (Paul Ricoeur). We also encounter reflective metaphors in our everyday speech and in the attempts of associative penetration into other people's expression. Conceptual decoding of metaphors is common for users of language (George Lakoff, Mark Johnson). On the other hand, there are specific districts of metaphorical expressions, which are reserved for poetic metaphors (Donald Davidson). Noteworthy are also the very unobvious contexts of metaphor in which the authors do not talk about this linguistic phenomenon directly (eg. Gottlob Frege, Ernst Cassirer). Declarative answer to the question whether the metaphor is a simply ornament of discourse or rather a mirror of the soul, is not possible too. Perhaps the metaphor as such includes the both variants. One must consider that being an ornament of speech or writing does not rule out it is also something more than just decoration. It wonders, bothers, disquiet, returning us into our souls. It is also like the unifying soul of all people – in cognitive
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstokupl
dc.subjectcontexts of metaphorpl
dc.subjectdecoration or mirrorpl
dc.subjectproblems with a paraphrase of metaphorspl
dc.subjectmetaphor as a puzzlepl
dc.subjectkonteksty metaforypl
dc.subjectozdoba a zwierciadłopl
dc.subjectproblemy z parafrazą metaforpl
dc.subjectmetafora jako zagadkapl
dc.titleRewiry metafory. Między ozdobą dyskursu a zwierciadłem duszypl
dc.title.alternativeThe hunting grounds of metaphor. Between an ornament of discourse and a mirror of the soulpl
dc.rights.holder© Copyright by Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Białystok 2019;-
dc.description.BiographicalnoteKatarzyna Popek - dr n. hum. w zakresie filozofii, absolwentka Uniwersytetu Łódzkiegopl
dc.description.referencesArystoteles, Kategorie i Hermeneutyka, przeł. Kazimierz Leśniak, Warszawa
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dc.description.referencesBlack Max, Metafora (Metaphor in 1962), przeł. Józef Japola, [w:] „Pamiętnik Literacki” 62, z. 3., Wrocław 1971, ss.
dc.description.referencesCassirer Ernst, Esej o człowieku. Wstęp do filozofii kultury, przeł. Anna Staniewska, Warszawa
dc.description.referencesDavidson Donald, What Metaphors Mean (1978), [w:] tenże, Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation, Oxford 1984/2001, ss.
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dc.description.referencesFrege Gottlob, Sens i znaczenie (Über Sinn und Bedeutung in 1892), [w:] tegoż, Pisma semantyczne, przeł. Bogusław Wolniewicz, Warszawa 1977, ss.
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dc.description.referencesKwintylian Marek Fabiusz, Kształcenie mówcy, Księgi VIII 6 – XII, przeł.: Stanisław Śnieżewski, Kraków
dc.description.referencesLakoff George, Johnson Mark, Metafory w naszym życiu (Metaphors We Live by in 1980), przeł. Tomasz Krzeszowski, Warszawa
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dc.description.referencesRicoeur Paul, The rule of metaphor, London and New York
dc.description.referencesRicoeur Paul, Metafora i symbol (Metaphor and symbol in 1975-1976), przeł. Katarzyna Rosner, [w:] tenże, Język, tekst, interpretacja, Warszawa 1989, ss.
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dc.identifier.citation2Idea. Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznychpl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Idea. Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych, 2019, XXXI

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