Przeglądaj przez Autor Pąk, Karol

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Data wydaniaTytułAutor(rzy)PromotorRedaktor(rzy)
2010Abstract Simplicial ComplexesPąk, Karol--
2010Affine Independence in Vector SpacesPąk, Karol--
2019AIM Loops and the AIM ConjectureBrown, Chad E.; Pąk, Karol--
2017Basel ProblemPąk, Karol; Korniłowicz, Artur--
2017Basel Problem – PreliminariesKorniłowicz, Artur; Pąk, Karol--
2018Basic Diophantine RelationsAcewicz, Marcin; Pąk, Karol--
2009Basic Properties of Metrizable Topological SpacesPąk, Karol--
2014Bertrand’s Ballot TheoremPąk, Karol--
2011Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem for SimplexesPąk, Karol--
2011Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem in the General CasePąk, Karol--
2014Brouwer Invariance of Domain TheoremPąk, Karol--
2011Continuity of Barycentric Coordinates in Euclidean Topological SpacesPąk, Karol--
2023Conway Numbers – Formal IntroductionPąk, Karol--
2019Diophantine Sets. Part IIPąk, Karol--
2018Diophantine sets. PreliminariesPąk, Karol--
2015Euler’s Partition TheoremPąk, Karol--
2015Flexary OperationsPąk, Karol--
2019Formalization of the MRDP Theorem in the Mizar SystemPąk, Karol--
2020Grothendieck UniversesPąk, Karol--
2023Integration of Game Theoretic and Tree Theoretic Approaches to Conway NumbersPąk, Karol--