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Rezultaty 5291-5300 z 16681 (Czas wyszukiwania: 0.023 sekund).
Odsłon pozycji:
Data wydaniaTytułAutor(rzy)PromotorRedaktor(rzy)
2014Mythotypes and Sociological Imports in the Apartheid World of "Sizwe Bansi is Dead"Solanke, Stephen Oladele--
2014Conundrums of Assimilation – Rethinking the World Presented in Philip Roth’s “Defender of the Faith” and Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”Klimiuk, Magdalena--
2014A Linguistic Analysis of Wole Soyinka’s "The Trials of Brother Jero"Osoba, Joseph--
2014Oxford Travel Book Writers and Gentlemen-Scholars: Constructing Narrative Personae in Aldous Huxley’s "The Jesting Pilate", Robert Byron’s "The Station" and Evelyn Waugh’s "Remote People"Moroz, Grzegorz--
2015The Interplay of the Domestic and the Uncanny in Susanna Clarke’s Jonathan Strange and Mr NorrellBorowska-Szerszun, Sylwia--
2014The 'Color-Line' Criticism: Literary Fiction, Historical Facts, and the Critical Controversies about William Styron’s "The Confessions of Nat Turner"Kamionowski, Jerzy--
2014Margaret Atwood’s "The Blind Assassin" as a Social Chronicle of 20th Century CanadaFeldman-Kołodziejuk, Ewelina--
2015Frank Lloyd Wright’s Broadacre City as a manifestation of American values of freedom and democracyStankiewicz, Emilia--
2012Эвалюцыя iндывiдуальнага стылюў творчасцi Леанiда Дранько-МайсюкаSinkova, Liudmila--
2012Iдэя адраджэння Рэчы Паспалiтай у беларускай лiтаратуры першае паловы ХIХ стагоддзяChaustowicz, Mikołaj--