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Tytuł: The functional dimension of the theories of economics
Autorzy: Meredyk, Kazimierz S.
Słowa kluczowe: the subject of economic research
the method of economic research
economic paradigm
the functionality of economics theories
the structure of economic function parameters
Data wydania: 2020
Data dodania: 23-cze-2020
Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Źródło: Optimum. Economic Studies, Nr 2(100) 2020, s. 105-120
Abstrakt: Description of the research – The following paper analyses the methodology of economic sciences and hence has a meta scientific character. From the point of view of the general methodology of sciences, it is simultaneously descriptive and nomothetic and, in the light of the universal methods of inference, the deduction prevails in it. The inspiration to undertake meta scientific analysis was the controversy over the efficiency of the modern economy, strategy and economic policy as well as methodological incoherence and insufficient implementation effectiveness of economic sciences. Professional analysis of the research method of a specific area (field) cannot be limited to the creative invention itself, omitting both the subject and functionality of the theories created. And this is the nature of the attempts to undermine the efficiency paradigm of economic sciences. The problem is the methodological coherence (incoherence) of the economic sciences and, in a wider context, of the entire field of social sciences, consisting in the inability to conduct workshop research and leading to the multiplication of erroneous statements about the social process. In order to make the analysis more in-depth, two specific problems were identified: 1) the problem of the subject of economic research; and 2) the problem of coherence of the workshop economy, which often comes down to the unconscious crossing of the limits of economics.
Afiliacja: Faculty of Economics and Finance, University of Bialystok
DOI: 10.15290/oes.2020.02.100.08
ISSN: 1506-7637
metadata.dc.identifier.orcid: 0000-0002-8927-8978
Typ Dokumentu: Article
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Artykuły naukowe (WEiF)
Optimum. Economic Studies, 2020, nr 2(100)

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