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dc.contributor.authorOkoń-Horodyńska, Ewa-
dc.contributor.authorZachorowska-Mazurkiewicz, Anna-
dc.contributor.authorWisła, Rafał-
dc.contributor.authorSierotowicz, Tomasz-
dc.identifier.citationOptimum. Economic Studies, Nr 2(100) 2020, s. 16-35pl
dc.description.abstractPurpose – Most of the subject literature provides information on the skills and competencies required to join teams and work in the innovation process. So far, there has been a research gap concerning the issue in question. The results of researching the issue can, however, be used to ensure more effective innovation development through a better-than-ever selection of individuals for each phase of the innovation process. The subject of research was to examine, identify and describe differences in the participation of men and women in the innovation process, taking into account not only competencies but also personal characteristics, attitudes and behaviour. Research method – The research covered 1,164 innovative companies – beneficiaries of the European Union Cohesion Policy 2007-2013. The conceptual framework of the model described by the pre-25 variables has been verified. Applying the selected statistically significant variables and components ensures more accuracy for the model developed in the present study. Both the conceptual research context and preliminary analysis fulfil the assumptions for using principal component analysis and the Promax rotation method. Results – The results prompt a new way of creating more effective teams in the process of innovation, with managers considering not only competencies but also attitudes, behaviours and gender-related issues. Originality /value – The obtained results can be used to ensure more effective innovation development through a better-than-ever selection of individuals in each phase of the innovation
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstokupl
dc.subjectgender diversitypl
dc.subjecteffective human resources managementpl
dc.subjectproject innovation managementpl
dc.subjectprocess of innovationpl
dc.titleEffective management of human resources in innovation process – gender-related issuepl
dc.description.EmailEwa Okoń-Horodyńska:
dc.description.EmailAnna Zachorowska-Mazurkiewicz:
dc.description.EmailRafał Wisła:
dc.description.EmailTomasz Sierotowicz:
dc.description.AffiliationEwa Okoń-Horodyńska -Faculty of Management and Social Communication, Jagiellonian Universitypl
dc.description.AffiliationAnna Zachorowska-Mazurkiewicz - Faculty of Management and Social Communication, Jagiellonian Universitypl
dc.description.AffiliationRafał Wisła - Faculty of Management and Social Communication, Jagiellonian Universitypl
dc.description.AffiliationTomasz Sierotowicz - Faculty of Management and Social Communication, Jagiellonian Universitypl
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dc.identifier.citation2Optimum. Economic Studiespl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Optimum. Economic Studies, 2020, nr 2(100)

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