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dc.contributor.authorBudniak, Józef-
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Teologii Katolickiej, T. 18, 2019, s. 169-181pl
dc.description.abstractThere are certain places throughout the world where ecumenical movements are born and have arisen out of the very essence the sociocultural realities of these places. The Cieszyn region of Silesia is such a place. In Cieszyn, different nationalities, cultures, and religions converge because the region both literally and symbolically contains many borders. Many Christian denominations peacefully coexist within Cieszyn, which is home to the largest community of Lutherans in Poland. The ecumenical movement within Cieszyn arose as a necessary and inevitable consequence of the coexistence of these Churches. For this reason, the Cieszyn region of Silesia is a perfect example of contemporary trends that are occurring within the ecumenical movement. Ecumenism in the Cieszyn region of Silesia has a very long and rich history that began more than five centuries ago, meaning long before the Second Vatican Council issued the Decree on Ecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio. Two Christian denominations—Roman Catholic and Lutheran—have coexisted in Cieszyn Silesia and, therefore, have become a symbol of an ecumenism based on faith and tolerance as well as survival and respect. Each of these represent the modern understanding of ecumenism today. The ecumenical movement can serve as a solid foundation that strengthens a sense of unity within local communities that share the same cultural and Christian roots so that these communities can achieve a common goal: to build a civilization of love, peace, and justice. Based on the examples of ecumenical relationships at work provided in this article, it is possible to say that the wise of “today” look back on “yesterday” in order to build a better “tomorrow.” Therefore, it is safe to assert that an ecumenism well-lived in the present that is also firmly rooted in history is a source of hope for the future of Christian Churches and communities. When presenting how the multi-denominational population of Cieszyn Silesia received the Decree on Ecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio, a statement made by one of the most eminent Polish ecumenists, Father Prof. Wacław Hryniewicz, comes to mind: “An authentic reception can be achieved only when the partners differ from each other, because diversity enables the true relationship between giving and taking.”pl
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstokupl
dc.subjectCieszyn Silesiapl
dc.subjectSecond Vatican Councilpl
dc.titleThe Reception of the Decree on Ecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio in Cieszyn Silesiapl
dc.description.BiographicalnoteREV. JÓZEF BUDNIAK, PhD, Hab. Was born in Cieszyn, Poland; ordained to the priesthood in the Diocese of Bielsko-Żywiec; and conducts research and teaches at the University of Silesia in Katowice’s Department of Theology. He is a member of the Faculty of Canon Law and Ecumenism; Chaplain to His Holiness; serves as the Secretary for Ecumenism in Diocese of Bielsko-Żywiec Diocese. He is the former President of the International Ecumenical Fellowship as well as the former Chairman of Polish-Czech and Polish-Slovak Relations Commission at the Polish Academy of Science in Katowice. Currently, he is a member of the Commission Chairman of the Society of Theologians on Ecumenism; a member of the Polish Bishop’s Conference Committee for Dialogue with the Evangelical-Augsburg Church
dc.description.AffiliationUniversity of Silesia in Katowice, Department of Theologypl
dc.description.referencesBiermann, G. Geschichte des Herzogthums Teschen, Teschen
dc.description.referencesBudniak, J. Ekumenizm jutra na przykładzie Śląska Cieszynskiego, Katowice
dc.description.referencesBudniak, J. “Ekumenizm na Śląsku Cieszynskim na przełomie wieków.” In: Pojednajcie się.... Edited by J. Budniak and H. Rusek, Cieszyn 2000, pgs.
dc.description.referencesBudniak, J. “Wkład społeczności lokalnej w proces pojednania chrześcijan.” In: Człowiek dialogu. Edited by Z. Glaeser, Opole 2012, pgs.
dc.description.referencesSecond Vatican Council. Decree on Ecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio. (accessed 10.30.2019).pl
dc.description.referencesHeinrich, A. Versuch über die Geschichte des Herzogthums Teschen von den ältesten bis auf gegenwärtige Zeiten, Teschen
dc.description.referencesHryniewicz , W. Hermeneutyka w dialogu, Opole
dc.description.referencesJohn Paul II. Encyclical Ut unum sint, Vatican City
dc.description.referencesJohn Paul II. “Address to the Young People Taking Part in the International Meeting UNIV 2003,” April 14, 2003, (accessed 10.30.2019).pl
dc.description.referencesJohn Paul II, “Przemówienie wygłoszone w czasie spotkania z wiernymi w kościele ewangelicko-augsburskim w Skoczowie,” in: Drogowskazy dla Polaków Ojca Świętego Jana Pawła II, Vol. 3, Cracow
dc.description.referencesNossol, A. “Homilia ekumeniczna.” In: Drogowskazy dla Polaków Ojca Świętego Jana Pawła II, Vol. 3, Cracow 1999, pgs.
dc.description.references“Ordinary Bishop of Bielsko-Żywiec diocese Tadeusz Rakoczy’s speech to the participants of the International Ecumenical Congress.” In: Budniak J., XXVIII Międzynarodowy Kongres Ekumeniczny w Cieszynie. Ora et labora, Cieszyn-Bytom
dc.description.referencesPanic, I. “Ziemia Cieszynska w czasach piastowskich (X-XVI wiek).” In: Śląsk Cieszynski. Zarys dziejów, Cieszyn 1998, pgs.
dc.description.referencesPopiołek, F. Dzieje Śląska austriackiego z ilustracjami, Cieszyn
dc.description.referencesRakoczy, T. “Słowo wygłoszone podczas nabożeństwa ekumenicznego w kościele pw. Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa w Bielsku-Białej, 25 marca 2000 roku.” In: Pojednajcie się... Edited by J. Budniak and H. Rusek, Cieszyn 2000, pgs.
dc.description.referencesSchmemann, A. Velkij post, Pariž
dc.description.referencesSlama, F. Dĕjiny Tĕšinska, Prag, 1889, passim; G. Biermann, Geschichte des Herzogthums Teschen, Teschen
dc.identifier.citation2Rocznik Teologii Katolickiejpl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej, 2019, tom XVIII

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