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dc.contributor.authorStobiecka, Jadwiga-
dc.contributor.authorPangsy-Kania, Sylwia-
dc.identifier.citationOptimum. Economic Studies, Nr 4(98) 2019, s. 56-68pl
dc.description.abstractPurpose – The aim of this article is to provide a comparative analysis of the results of research carried out in the Malopolskie and Pomorskie voivodeships in four areas: identification of key work attributes based on the ranking of their importance, assessment of satisfaction with the performance of work features being at the core of the analysis, exposure of the gaps between the expectations of employees and satisfaction with the performance of individual work features. Research method– The research was conducted using the survey method and purposive sampling technique. In both voivodeships the gender and age of the respondents’ was identical. The measuring instrument included four work dimensions which consisted of 18 partial features. Results – In both voivodeships, the most important work features were: the opportunity to accommodate work with personal life (i.e. work life balance), working relationships with co-workers, fairness of the superior followed by remuneration and communication at work. Statistically significant differences in the assessment of satisfaction with the performance of six features were shown. Originality / value – The results obtained constitute a strong basis for developing a scale to measure the perceived quality of work life, allowing for comparisons between regions, taking into account the cultural environment in Poland. The high value of KMO coefficients and the satisfactory internal consistency of the scale allowed for the testing of competitive confirmatory
dc.description.sponsorshipArticle received support from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education grants to maintain research potential of the Faculty of Management at the Cracow University of
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstokupl
dc.subjectquality of work lifepl
dc.subjectjob satisfactionpl
dc.subjectlabour marketpl
dc.subjectcomparative analysis of regionspl
dc.titleJob satisfaction of employees in Malopolskie and Pomorskie voivodship as an expression of the quality of work life – a comparative studypl
dc.description.EmailJadwiga STOBIECKA: stobiecj@uek.krakow.plpl
dc.description.EmailSylwia PANGSY-KANIA:
dc.description.AffiliationJadwiga STOBIECKA, PhD, Eng., Cracow University of Economics Professor Faculty of Management, Cracow University of Economicspl
dc.description.AffiliationSylwia PANGSY-KANIA, PhD, University of Gdańsk Professor Faculty of Economics, University of Gdańskpl
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dc.identifier.citation2Optimum. Economic Studiespl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Optimum. Economic Studies, 2019, nr 4(98)

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