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dc.contributor.editorJanicka, Anna-
dc.contributor.editorKowalczykowa, Alina-
dc.contributor.editorKowalski, Grzegorz-
dc.description.abstractThe present book is the first one out of the three-volume publication that collects the papers from The First International Conference “Stefan Żeromski and the Tradition of Polish Intelligentsia. Ideas – Aesthetics – Language”, which was held from 30 May to 2 June 2011. The conference proceedings took place at the University of Białystok, in Konstancin near Warsaw, where the writer owned a villa, and in the Museum of Literature in Warsaw. Stefan Żeromski is a classic of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Polish literature – a socially engaged intelligent, the bold and controversial author of “A Story of Sin” and shockingly honest Diaries, and an uncompromising polemicist. In the twenty-first century his writings – in the past oftentimes adapted for the screen – are re-read, and among his canonical works those most personal (notes, novels and novellas of manner) begin to predominate in the eyes of critics. The sessions during which such new styles of interpretation were debated gathered scholars from Poland, Ukraine, Israel, Belarus and Switzerland. The conference was organized by the following units and institutions: Chair in Interdisciplinary and Comparative Studies “East – West” (now functioning as Chair in Philological Studies “East – West”), the Polish Museum in Rapperswil, Łukasz Gornicki Książnica Podlaska (library), the Committee of Literary Studies PAN , the Adam Mickiewicz Learned Society, the International Adam Mickiewicz Institute in Grodno, the Municipal Council of Konstancin, and the Museum of Literature in Warsaw. Many years had passed since the time when scholars who are preoccupied with Żeromski’s oeuvre could take part in such a big scholarly event. Among the patrons of the conference were: The President of Poland, Bronisław Komorowski, who sent a special letter to the conference participants (published in the present volume), The Minister of Culture and National Heritage. The event of such standing attracted over one hundred scholars who debated for three days in three different venues. Professor Jarosław Ławski was the originator and coordinator of the Conference, Professor Alina Kowalczykowa (Institute of Literary Studies PAN in Warsaw) was the Head of the Conference Committee, and Krzysztof Korotkich (PhD) supervised the organization of the conference sessions. The support given by the Polish Museum in Rapperswil (where Żeromski worked as a librarian) was of particular importance. The Museum was represented by its Director, Anna Buchman, and Professor German Ritz of the University of Zurich. The Conference was accompanied by other events: A lecture by Professor Swietłana Musijenko from Grodno (Belarus) “Polish Intelligentsia in Belarus – in the Past and Now. Literary Profiles” delivered in the Museum of Military History in Białystok on 30 June 2011. A meeting at the Wedel Chocolate Room (30 May 2011) during which: Professor Halina Krukowska presented her book Romantic Night. Mickiewicz – Malczewski – Goszczyński. A new issue of the periodical “LiteRacje”, entirely dedicated to Żeromski, was presented. A panel discussion, “Romanticism – Modernism – The Present Day. The End of Paradigm or the Beginning of New, Twentieth-Century Interpretation”, with the participation of Professors: Bogdan Burdziej, Jolanta Sztachelska, Elżbieta Feliksiak, Michał Kuziak, Magdalena Saganiak and Alina Kowalczykowa was held. A meeting with Professor Michał Głowiński and an introduction of his book “Circles of Estrangement. An Autobiographical Tale”, chaired by Jan Leończuk and Krzysztof Korotkich (1 June 2011, Książnica Podlaska). A performance (1 June 2011, at 8.30 p.m.), “Notes of a Red Army Officer”, based on Sergiusz Piasecki’s book – a monodrama of Krzysztof Ławniczak directed by Andrzej Jakimiec. A meeting of Michał Głowiński with young people from I Liceum Ogolnokształcące in Białystok (1 June 2011, at 9.00 a.m.). A meeting with the Polish writer living in Israel, Ryszard Low, who gave a presentation entitled “On Ethos of Polish Intelligentsia” (1 June 2011, University Library, at 1.30 p.m.) A visit to the Tykocin Synagogue of 1642 (2 June 2011, at 10.00 a.m.). A visit to the villa “Świt” in Konstancin, the house of Stefan Żeromski (2 June 2011, at 2.00 p.m.). A guided visit to Stefan Żeromski’s apartment in The Royal Castle in Warsaw (2 June, at 4.00 p.m.) A panel discussion in The Warsaw Museum of Literature “Stefan Żeromski – Forgotten? – Passe? – Contemporary?” chaired by Iwona Rusek (PhD) and Grzegorz Kowalski (MA) with the participation of Professors: Małgorzata Czermińska, German Ritz, Maria J. Olszewska, Grażyna Legutko, Dariusz Trześniowski, et al. Thanks to the local authorities of Konstancin the plenary sessions of the second day of the conference were held in Zespoł Szkoł nr 5, named after Stefan Żeromski, with the participation of Professors: Jerzy Snopek, Zdzisław Jerzy Adamczyk, Ewa Nawrocka and Jolanta Sztachelska. The conference papers will be published in three volumes within The Scholarly Publishing Project, in “Watersheds/Borderlands” Series initiated by Chair in Philological Studies “East – West”. Volume I has two Introductions (J. Ławski and G. Kowalski) and includes two “Letters” addressed to the conference participants: one by the President of Poland, Bronisław Komorowski, and the other by the Director of The Polish Museum in Rapperswil, Anna Buchmann. Chapter I, “Voices About the Writer”, collects short, personal statements of scholars representing different fields of humanities, and also much longer texts concerning the reception of Żeromski’s oeuvre after World War II (A. Janowska), psychoanalytical readings of this work (M. Lubański), and its echoes among Zionists in Poland and Israel (R. Low). The chapter features also comments on Żeromski’s mourning prose (M. Głowiński, B. Olech), philological problems in “Wiatr od morza” (J. Paszek), and Żeromski’s disciples (S. Krzemień-Ojak). Chapter II, “Biography, Text, Existence”, shows connections between the writer’s works and his biography: his stays in Konstancin (Z. J. Adamczyk) and Switzerland (G. Ritz), his view of nature (A. Kowalczykowa), his relations with the Witkiewicz family (M. Popiel, M. Vřažić). Chapter III, “Dominions of Evil in Novels”, presents analyses of Żeromski’s most popular works (A Story of Sin, Struggle with Satan), particularly focusing on: elements on Gnosticism (W. Gutowski), “morphologies of passion” (W. Szturc), the motif of Judas (K. Sztok), melodramatic plots (M. Kochanowski), a vision of Satan (M. Gabryś), and encounter with evil (G. Matuszek, D. Saniewska, M. Pelc). Chapter IV, “Meanders of History”, features interpretations of Żeromski’s works in which the influence of history on the individual life (which, in turn, is subject to evil, cruelty and politics) is a major leitmotif. The papers analyze the following themes: war, books (J. Tomkowski), the Romantic tradition (E. Felis-Czerniak), phantom (K. Kłos), clandestine activity (K. Jakowska), Napoleon Bonaparte (N. Deskalow), the relation between Żeromski and Conrad (D. Trześniowski), historicism (P. Kuciński), war experience (E. Czernow), epic (M. Siedlecki) and women’s fashion at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century (B. Chodkiewicz). The present volume was edited by Professor Jarosław Ławski, Head of Chair in Philological Studies “East – West”, Anna Janicka (PhD) from Research Unit of Polish Late Nineteenth-Century Literature and Literature of the Young Poland Movement at the University of Białystok, Professor Alina Kowalczykowa from Institute of Literary Studies PAN , and Grzegorz Kowalski from Książnica Podlaska. The next two volumes are to be published in
dc.description.sponsorshipPublikacja sfinansowana ze środków Książnicy Podlaskiej im. Ł. Górnickiego i Wydziału Filologicznego UwB w Białymstokupl
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Alter Studiopl
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPrzełomy/Pogranicza: Studia Literackie;7-
dc.relation.ispartofseriesStudia o Stefanie Żeromskim; 1pl
dc.subjectStefan Żeromskipl
dc.subjectMłoda Polskapl
dc.subjectradość istnieniapl
dc.subjectSeria Przełomy/Pograniczapl
dc.titleŻeromski. Tradycja i eksperymentpl
dc.title.alternativeŻeromski. Tradition and Experimentpl
dc.description.BiographicalnoteANNA JANICKA, dr, adiunkt w Zakładzie Literatury Pozytywizmu i Młodej Polski w Instytucie Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku. Zainteresowania badawcze: literatura polska II połowy XIX wieku, twórczość Gabrieli Zapolskiej. Autorka studiów: Figury tożsamości. O języku bohaterek w prozie Grabieli Zapolskiej (1998); „…Z punktu widzenia Małgosi”. Faust i kobiety (2001), a także Krasiński postyczniowy. Przypadek młodych pozytywistów (2011). Wydała książkę: Sprawa Zapolskiej. Skandale i polemiki (Białystok 2013). Odznaczona Medalem Komisji Edukacji Narodowej. Współredaktorka tomu: Pogranicza, cezury, zmierzchy Czesława Miłosza (Białystok 2012). Ostatnio zredagowała i opracowała również książkę Marka Szladowskiego zatytułowaną (Bez)senna egzystencja. Starość Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego (Białystok 2012), a także tomy Pogranicza, Kresy, Wschód a idee Europy [T.1-2, Białystok 2013].pl
dc.description.BiographicalnoteALINA KOWALCZYKOWA, prof. dr hab., historyk literatury polskiej, członkini Towarzystwa Popierania i Krzewienia Nauk (obecnie w komisji rewizyjnej), PEN Clubu, KNoL PAN oraz emerytowana pracownica IBL PAN. W pracach badawczych zajmuje się głównie zagadnieniami związanymi z literaturą Romantyzmu. Autorka licznych publikacji naukowych, w tym: Liryków Słonimskiego 1918–1935 (Warszawa 1967), Słowackiego (Warszawa 1994) oraz Romantyzmu. Nowego spojrzenia (Warszawa 2008). Jest również autorką podręczników szkolnych do nauki języka polskiego, takich jak Romantyzm. Podręcznik dla szkół ponadpodstawowych (Warszawa 1994). Ostatnio wydała Świadectwo autoportretu (Warszawa 2008). Założycielka Stowarzyszenia Nauczycieli Humanistów „Prowincja”.pl
dc.description.BiographicalnoteGRZEGORZ KOWALSKI, mgr, absolwent filologii polskiej na Uniwersytecie w Białymstoku, podwójny stypendysta Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego. Pracownik naukowy Książnicy Podlaskiej im. Łukasza Górnickiego w Białymstoku. Współpracuje stale z Katedrą Badań Filologicznych „Wschód – Zachód” w Instytucie Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku. Interesuje się romantyzmem polskim i europejskim, mitem, religią i wyobraźnią. Ukazała się ostatnio jego książka o bohaterach dramatycznych Juliusza Słowackiego Duch w osobie (Białystok 2012). Autor studiów: Starsza siostra w wierze. O Judycie z „Księdza Marka”; Ciekawość, pożądanie i baśń w „Przygodach Sindbada Żeglarza”, a także Inteligentna planeta – modny temat drugiej połowy XX wieku. Współredaktor tomów Piękno Juliusza Słowackiego (t. I–III, Białystok 2012–2014).pl
dc.conferenceMiędzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa „Stefan Żeromski i tradycje inteligencji polskiej. Idee – estetyka – język”, Białystok – Konstancin – Warszawa, 30 maja – 2 czerwca 2011pl
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