Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies, 2013, Issue 1
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- Boyd H. Davis, Ralf Thiede, Mary K. Smith
Cross-cultural Socialization into a Common Profession: Exploring how Nursing Students in Taiwan and in the U.S. Narrate Professional Identity
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Finding God(s) in Fantasylands: Religious Ideas in Fantasy Literature
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“Other Than They Were”: Fair Places Full of Folk
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- Kirk S. Palmer
Beyond the Canon: Second Looks at Oft-Neglected Books
Collection's Items (Sortowane przez Data zamieszczenia w Malejąco kolejnośi): 1 do 7 z 7
Data wydania | Tytuł | Autor(rzy) | Promotor | Redaktor(rzy) |
2013 | Finding God(s) in Fantasylands: Religious Ideas in Fantasy Literature | Łaszkiewicz, Weronika | - | - |
2013 | Face, linguistic (im)politeness and polyphony in Thomas Hardy’s Far from the Madding Crowd | Mugford, Gerrard | - | - |
2013 | “Other Than They Were”: Fair Places Full of Folk | Thomas, Michael W. | - | - |
2013 | Virtual Togetherness: Sense of Identity and Community in Cyberspace | Modzelewski, Rafał | - | - |
2013 | Cross-cultural Socialization into a Common Profession: Exploring how Nursing Students in Taiwan and in the U.S. Narrate Professional Identity | Davis, Boyd H.; Thiede, Ralf; Smith, Mary K. | - | - |
2013 | Beyond the Canon: Second Looks at Oft-Neglected Books | Palmer, Kirk S. | - | - |
2013 | Rushdie Affair Revisited | Tomczak, Anna Maria | - | - |
Collection's Items (Sortowane przez Data zamieszczenia w Malejąco kolejnośi): 1 do 7 z 7