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dc.contributor.authorKharmandar, Mohammad Ali-
dc.identifier.citationCrossroads. A Journal of English Studies 20 (1/2018), pp. 53-70pl
dc.description.abstractThe majority of translation theories remerging from the works of contemporary philosophers suffer from a lack of well-organized textual/semiotic analysis tools. Although such theories are specifically important because of their postulates, their incoherent methods normally make them difficult to be used or even sufficiently understood. Hermeneutic theories, however, have been re-visiting and re-constructing their principles, showing a remarkable tendency toward methodological and empirical investigation guided by their philosophy. Translational hermeneutics, as a major movement, has suggested six fundamental principles. Although this contribution systemizes and simplifies hermeneutic conceptions, it still needs to construct a lingual analytic system for practical translation. Seeking to address this problem, this study views the six principles in the light of narratology and suggests a unified organization based on Ricoeur’s narrative theory by breaking the principles into a cognitive-existential dimension (subjectivity, historicity, phenomenology) and a lingual/semiotic dimension (process character, holistic nature, reflection). This framework processes both minimal and maximal language variables and addresses practical and pedagogical
dc.publisherThe University of Bialystokpl
dc.subjecttranslation studiespl
dc.subjectpractical translationpl
dc.subjecttextual analysispl
dc.subjectContinental philosophypl
dc.subjecttranslation theorypl
dc.titleThe Intersections of Translational Hermeneutics and Narrative Hermeneutics: The Foundational Considerationspl
dc.description.BiographicalnoteMohammad Ali Kharmandar is a continental philosophy reader, a translation studies researcher, a professional, academic, and official (sworn) translator, as well as a computer programmer (graduate of software technology). He has conducted research on various notions such as the philosophy of science, argumentation, poetics, globalization, translation theory, and the philosophy of history and social development. His original research lines include the politics/poetics of archaism in translation (2014), Ricoeur’s extended translation theory (2015), argumentation-based literary translation quality assessment (2016), and subcultural translation (2018).pl
dc.description.AffiliationIslamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch, Iranpl
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dc.description.issue20 (1/2018)-
dc.identifier.citation2Crossroads. A Journal of English Studiespl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies, 2018, Issue 20

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