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dc.contributor.authorVander Schel, Kevin M.-
dc.identifier.citationStudia Teologii Dogmatycznej, T. 3 2017, s. 193-214pl
dc.description.abstractThis essay inquires into the unique intersection of Erich Przywara and John Henry Newman and explores the re-imagined notions of divine transcendence and the supernatural in their works. Przywara found in Newman a source of inspiration for a more lively presentation of Catholic thought and a model for illuminating the path toward a new Catholic intellectual culture. Newman’s work highlights the actively inquiring disposition of faith, an active search for the meaning of its doctrines, a progressive and unceasing journey that comprises the entirety of one’s life. By showing the changing Catholic responses to modernity and the evolving theological approaches that would come to characterize later twentieth-century Catholic thought, the paper emphasizes how Przywara and Newman contributed to a more vibrant form of Catholicism and a renewal of Catholic intellectual culture that anticipated the Church’s wider opening to the
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstokupl
dc.titleErich Przywara on John Henry Newman and the Supernaturalpl
dc.description.Biographicalnotedr KEVIN VANDER SCHEL – wykładowca Uniwersytetu Gonzaga w Spokane (USA). Zainteresowania badawcze: łaska i nadprzyrodzoność, społeczne i polityczne rozumienie
dc.description.AffiliationGonzaga Universitypl
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Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Studia Teologii Dogmatycznej, 2017, tom 3

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