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dc.contributor.authorGrinev-Griniewicz, Siergiej-
dc.identifier.citationCrossroads. A Journal of English Studies 12 (1/2016), pp. 19-30pl
dc.description.abstractThis paper focuses on the present state of investigation into polysemy, taking into account drawbacks of the existing definitions of this phenomenon. It was found that in Polish and Russian linguistic manuals and encyclopaedias, polysemy as a phenomenon is equalled with a quality for which a new term – polysemantism may be suggested. A brief survey of some of the existing directions in the research of this phenomenon from the point of view of terminology science, translation, terminography and cognition makes it possible to identify some new types of polysemy. A peculiar character of relations between polysemy and homonymy is shown, three sources of polysemy are indicated and such varieties of polysemy as regular polysemy, hyponymic polysemy and consubstantivety are revealed. In translation we come across interlingual hidden polysemy. The development of terminography leads to discovering artificial polysemy and misleading polysemy which are causes of spoiling quality of both dictionaries and translation. In cognition evolution research anthropolinguistic studies made it possible to discover diachronic hidden polysemy of the early words. There are reasons to believe that the development of cognition is based on and results in eliminating this type of hidden polysemy. The resulting tentative classification of types of polysemy reflects progress in investigating this phenomenon and may be used in further
dc.publisherThe University of Bialystokpl
dc.subjecttypes of polysemypl
dc.subjecttranslating dictionariespl
dc.subjectevolution of cognitionpl
dc.titlePolysemy in language and thoughtpl
dc.description.BiographicalnoteSiergiej Grinev-Griniewicz is a professor of linguistics at the University of Białystok, Poland. He is vice-president of the Semiotics and Informatics Section of International Informatization Academy, a member of International Institute for Terminology Research (IITF), International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO), PTN, PKT. He is the author of over 350 publications, including 15 books. His research interests include terminology, lexicography, general linguistics, anthropolinguistics, semiotics, and language
dc.description.AffiliationUniversity of Białystokpl
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dc.description.issue12 (1/2016)-
dc.identifier.citation2Crossroads. A Journal of English Studiespl
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Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies, 2016, Issue 12

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