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dc.contributor.authorZiobro, Rafał-
dc.identifier.citationFormalized Mathematics, Volume 24, Issue 3, pp. 187-198pl
dc.description.abstractRepresentation of a non zero integer as a signed product of primes is unique similarly to its representations in various types of positional notations [4], [3]. The study focuses on counting the prime factors of integers in the form of sums or differences of two equal powers (thus being represented by 1 and a series of zeroes in respective digital bases).Although the introduced theorems are not particularly important, they provide a couple of shortcuts useful for integer factorization, which could serve in further development of Mizar projects [2]. This could be regarded as one of the important benefits of proof formalization [9].-
dc.publisherDe Gruyter Open-
dc.titlePrime Factorization of Sums and Differences of Two Like Powers-
dc.description.AffiliationDepartment of Carbohydrate Technology University of Agriculture Krakow, Poland-
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dc.description.referencesRafał Ziobro. Fermat’s Little Theorem via divisibility of Newton’s binomial. Formalized Mathematics, 23(3):215-229, 2015.-
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Formalized Mathematics, 2016, Volume 24, Issue 3

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