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dc.contributor.authorWrońska, Iwona-
dc.identifier.citationBiałostockie Studia Prawnicze, z. 20/A, 2016, s. 193-206pl
dc.description.abstractThe European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) examines, through visits, the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty (Art. 1 of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture, 1987). CPT activity is based on two principles – cooperation and confidentiality. There are two types of visits, periodic visits and ad hoc visits. Without doubt, the CPT is one of the most important monitoring bodies in the area of interest of the Council of Europe. Due to the specific nature of its work it is worth to look at the members forming the Committee, as well as the legal rules of their appointment, the more so that these issues are not the subject of numerous studies in the doctrine, but are, however, important to the quality of the practical connotations of the operation of international law. The purpose of this discussion is to present the essence of CPT, the specific nature of its composition and the rules for appointing members, both at the national procedure (i.e. pre-selection), as well as on the international stage of the
dc.publisherTemida 2pl
dc.subjectEuropean Committee for the Prevention of Torturepl
dc.subjecthuman rightspl
dc.subjectinternational organizationspl
dc.subject„Europejski Komitet Zapobiegania Torturom”pl
dc.subjectprawa człowiekapl
dc.subjectorganizacje międzynarodowepl
dc.titleProcedura powoływania członków Europejskiego Komitetu do spraw Zapobiegania Torturom oraz Nieludzkiemu lub Poniżającemu Traktowaniu albo Karaniupl
dc.title.alternativeProcedure of appointing members of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishmentpl
dc.description.AffiliationUniwersytet w Białymstokupl
dc.description.referencesBisztyga A., Ochrona praw człowieka w systemie Rady Europy, (w:) B. Banaszak i A.Bisztyga, System ochrony praw człowieka, Kraków 2003pl
dc.description.referencesCassese A., A New Approach to Human Rights: The European Convention for the Prevention of Torture, American Journal of International Law No. 83 (1989)pl
dc.description.referencesFilipek B., Kontrola przez Radę Europy wykonywania zobowiązań przyjętych przez państwa członkowskie, Kraków 2007, rozprawa doktorska niepublikowanapl
dc.description.referencesGinther K., The European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, European Journal of International Law Vol. 2 No. 123(1990)pl
dc.description.referencesHaug H., Efforts to Eliminate Torture through International Law, The International Review of the Red Cross No. 775 (1989)pl
dc.description.referencesHołda Z., Europejski Komitet Zapobiegania Torturom (z problematyki instytucji kontrolnych w obszarze Rady Europy), Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Vol. XV, 2/2008pl
dc.description.referencesKuźniar R., Prawa człowieka. Prawo, instytucje, stosunki międzynarodowe, Warszawa 2004pl
dc.description.referencesŁasak K., Warunki dopuszczalności skargi zbiorowej w systemie Europejskiej Karty Społecznej, (w:) Polska i Rada Europy 1990-2005, (red.) H. Machińska, Warszawa 2005pl
dc.description.referencesMichałowska G., Ochrona praw człowieka w Radzie Europy i w Unii Europejskiej, Warszawa 2007pl
dc.description.referencesThe European Committee for the Prevention of Torture And Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Historical background and main features of the Convention, CPT/Inf. (90) 3, Strasbourg 1990pl
dc.description.referencesThe European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT), CPT standards, CPT/Inf/E (2002) 1 - Rev.2013, Council of Europe, Strasbourg 2013pl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Artykuły naukowe (WP)
Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 2016, Z. 20/A

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