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Tytuł: Innovation Policy and Implementation of The Triple Helix Concept in Ukraine
Autorzy: Yegorov, Igor
Słowa kluczowe: innovation policy
triple helix model
Data wydania: 2015
Data dodania: 29-sie-2016
Wydawca: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Źródło: Optimum. Studia ekonomiczne, Nr 5 (77) 2015, s. 155-167
Abstrakt: Ukraine is suffering from low level of innovation activities and widening gap between the industry and research institutions, both in government and higher education sectors. This is reflected in shrinking of R&D financing, declining share of a number of graduates in natural sciences and engineering and some oth-er indicators. Orientation on development of traditional industries of the national economies, such as metallurgy, basic chemicals and agricultural products prevents the country from focusing on knowledge production sectors. Lack of demand for R&D results widens the gap between the remaining R&D establish-ments and the industrial enterprises. Ukrainian state innovation policy has not changed substantially in recent years. Up to now, the main focus of government policy mix is on direct support of innovation in the form of (partial) financing of S&T programs and provision of direct financing to selected innovation projects. The gap between the higher education sector and the industry is substantial. Current legislation does not allow universities or research institutes to be founders of a spin-off company with non-state ownership in Ukraine. At the same time, it is evident that problems of innovation development could be solved only within broader context of transformation of the national economy. Implementation of the Triple Helix (TH) concept for transformation of the Ukrainian national R&D and innovation system could open new opportunities for its development.
Afiliacja: Department of Innovation Policy and High Technologies, Institute of Economy and Forecasting, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
E-mail: igor_yegorov1@
DOI: 10.15290/ose.2015.05.77.10
ISSN: 1506-7637
Typ Dokumentu: Article
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne, 2015, nr 5(77)

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