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dc.contributor.authorŁapiński, Piotr-
dc.identifier.citationStudia Podlaskie T. 16, 2006, s. 261-281pl
dc.description.abstractAmnesty effected in spring 1947 did not put an end to fight by the Underground Independence. Although underground structures conducting furtber activity were crushed by summer 1948, at the same time a phenomenon of so called return to forests became apparent. Operational actions of Public Security Office (UBP) used in the fight with the Underground remains reached its unveiled members as well, who were kept under surveillance, apprehended or recruited for cooperation. This way some of the formerly unveiled members were forced to abandon their occupations and live in hiding. Wanted/hunted by UBP they gathered in groups creating small partisan groups whose purpose was armed survival until the time of expected outbreak or war between USSR and western powers. Bearing in mind the range of activity realized at that time, mentioned groups are referred to as so called survival groups. The use of agents web was of basie importance in UBP's activity against the Underground Independence. One of the work methods that made use of ił was so called operational combination. In April 1949 Poviat Public Security Office in Białystok started action aiming at liquidation of a typical survival group - Corporal Gabriel Oszczapiński "Woodpecker" patrol, deriving from the "Freedom and Sovereignty" Party and acting within Białystok Poviat territory. In the operational combination that was carried out an agent of a code name "Moon" - Wacław Snarski, former WiN's member ("Freedom and Sovereignty"), in the past sentenced by Military District Court in Białystok to 5 years imprisonment, was used. According to available documents, after serving punishment, Wacław Snarski personaiły applied to UBP volunteering for cooperation. The plan of operational combination prepared by Białystok PUBP's head Captain Antoni Pankowski assumed that the agent would make contact with "Woodpecker': penetrate the patrol, work it out and then make partisans powerłess by physical liquidation or apprehension. In result of his action, at the turo of 1949/50 the agent caused the "Woodpecker";s patrol to break off. Three partisans died in combat, two were captured alive (later they were sentenced to death by military court and executed), the other three were arrested. Over 128 patrol's accomplices were apprehended, who were then convicted of helping partisans and sentenced to longterm imprisonment. Later agent "Moon" was used in other operational combinations with changeable
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstokupl
dc.subjectOszczapiński Gabriel (1914-1951)pl
dc.subjectPodziemie polityczne i zbrojne - Polskapl
dc.subjectSłużba bezpieczeństwa - Polskapl
dc.subjectBiałystok (woj. podlaskie ; okręg)pl
dc.subjectOszczapinski's G. 'Woodkeeper' patrolpl
dc.titlePrzebieg kombinacji operacyjnej UBP na przykładzie likwidacji powinowskiego patrolu partyzanckiego kpr. Gabriela Oszczapińskiego "Dzięcioła" (sierpień 1949 - styczeń 1950)pl
dc.title.alternativeThe course of UBP's operational combination on the example of liquidation of Powin partisan patrol of corporal Gabriel Oszczapiński 'Woodpecker' (August 1949 - January 1950)pl
dc.title.alternativeХод оперативной комбинации УОБ на примере ликвидации повиновского партизанского патруля капрала Габриэля Ощапинского «Дятела» (август 1949 - январь 1950)pl
dc.identifier.citation2Studia Podlaskiepl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Studia Podlaskie, 2006, tom XVI

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