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dc.contributor.authorMcMillin, Arnold-
dc.identifier.citationBiałorutenistyka Białostocka, T. 15, 2023, s. 111-121pl
dc.description.abstractIn this article the recent exodus of members of the creative intelligentsia from Belarus is reviewed in loose comparison with that from Russia in the early 1980s, a period of oppressive stagnation. A further background presents the earlier emigrations from both countries due to revolution and the aftermath of war. The moving scene of destinations for displaced poets, prose writers, playwrights as well as some journalists, presents a picture of, on the one hand, generosity of the host countries and, on the other hand, the resourcefulness and enterprise of those who have escaped from the cruel boorishness of Lukašenka and from the ruthless destructiveness of Putin’s war. This article was written in an age of world mass migration and the author attempts to describe the emigration of Belarusian poets, prose writers and other cultural figures in the early 2020s, taking the Third Wave of emigration from the Soviet Union in the early 1980s as a background for comparison. These two large and diverse groups share the common feature of the loss of high quality poets and writers – both countries are deprived of an important element in the literary process. Poland has proven to be very hospitable during the recent exodus, particularly the Bielaviezha region, Wroclaw, Warsaw and Poznan, the first of which has opened its borders to such distinguished writers as: Niakliajeu (b. 1956), Arlou and his wife Aksak (both b. 1953), and another fierce opponent of Lukashenka’s regime, Jeva Viezhnaviec (pen-name of Sviatlana Kurs b. 1972). The author uses the historical, literary and comparative methods in the
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstokupl
dc.subjectRecent literary Emigrationspl
dc.subjectBelarusian Literary Association in Poland “Białowieża”pl
dc.titleThe Recent Belarusian Exodus Seen against the Background of Earlier Belarusian and Russian Emigrationspl
dc.rights.holder© Copyright by Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Białystok 2023pl
dc.description.BiographicalnoteArnold McMillin – prof. emerytowany, Wielka Brytania, Londyn, Uniwersytet w Londynie; autor Poetry and parody in Belarus and Britain: two cultural traditions (Olsztyn 2021). Zainteresowania badawcze: literatura białoruska XX–XXI wieku, muzyka w literaturze
dc.description.AffiliationUniversity College (London)pl
dc.description.referencesBacharevič Algerd, Pieratrus u muziei, Minsk 2023 [Бахарэвіч Альгерд, Ператрус у музеі, Мінск 2023].pl
dc.description.referencesBennett Brian, The Last Dictatorship in Europe: Belarus under Lukashenko, London
dc.description.referencesČarnucha Alaksndr, Śvińni, Alieś Plotka (transl. into Belarusian), Ząbki 2023 [Чарнуха Аляксандр, Свінні, Ząbki 2023].pl
dc.description.referencesGraffy Julian, Experience of the West as Presented to Soviet Journals by Émigré Writers, in Arnold McMillin (ed.), Under Eastern Eyes: The West as Reflected in Recent Russian Émigré Writing, London 1991, pp. 115–
dc.description.referencesKirschbaum Heinrich, Revolution der Geduld: Eine belarussische Bricolage, Berlin
dc.description.referencesKomar Hanna, My vierniemsia, Moscow, Ugar 2022 [Комар Ганна, Мы вернемся, Москва, Ugar 2022].pl
dc.description.referencesMcMillin Arnold, Belarusian Literature of the Diaspora, “Birmingham Slavonic Monographs” 2002, No.
dc.description.referencesMcMillin Arnold, Exiled Russian Writers of the Third Wave and the Émigré Press, “Modern Language Review” 1989, No. 84, pp. 406–
dc.description.referencesMcMillin Arnold, Home Thoughts from Abroad: Three Poets in Emigration, “Canadian-American Slavic Studies” 1999, No. 33(2–4), pp. 253–
dc.description.referencesMcMillin Arnold, Nation-Building and Its One Opponent, as Reflected in Contemporary Belarusian Poetry, “New Zealand Slavonic Journal 2021–2022” [2023], Vol. 54–55, pp. 47–
dc.description.referencesMcMillin Arnold, Poetry and Parody in Belarus and Britain: Two Cultural Traditions, Olsztyn
dc.description.referencesMcMillin Arnold, The Border between Belarus and Poland as Depicted in the Work of Contemporary Writers, [in:] Arkadiusz Dudziak, Joanna Orzechowska (eds.), Język i tekst w ujęciu strukturalnym i funkcjonalym: Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Panu Profesorowi Aleksandrowi Kiklewiczowi z okazii 60. urodzin, Olsztyn 2017, pp. 303–
dc.description.referencesMcMillin Arnold, The Effect of Exile on Modern Russian Writers: A Survey, “Renaissanceand Modern Studies” 1991, No. XXIV, pp. 19–
dc.description.referencesMatich Olga, Heim (eds.), The Third Wave: Russian Literature in Emigration, Ann Arbor
dc.description.referencesShnitman-MakMillin Svetlana, Georgii Vladimov: bremia rytsarstva, Moscow 2022 [Шнитман-Макмиллин Светлана, Георгий Владимиров: бремя рыцарства, Москва 2022].pl
dc.description.referencesViežnaviec Eva, Šliach drobnaj svolačy, Minsk 2008 [Вежнавец Ева, Шлях дробнай сволачы, Мінск 2008].pl
dc.description.referencesWilson Andrew, Belarus: The Last European Dictatorship, New Haven–London
dc.identifier.citation2Białorutenistyka Białostockapl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Białorutenistyka Białostocka, 2023, tom 15

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