Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 2024, Vol. 29 nr 2 : [15]
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  1. Emanuele Menegatti
    Can a Basic Income Make the Digital Revolution More Sustainable and Inclusive?
  2. Jakub Tomsej
    From Discrimination to Dismissal: Navigating Obstacles on the Path to Workplace Justice
  3. Krzysztof Baran
    The Right of Trade Unions to Information in the Era of the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions
  4. Teun Jaspers, Błażej Mądrzycki, Łukasz Pisarczyk
    Collective Bargang in Technology-Based Employment
  5. Krzysztof Stefański, Katarzyna Żywolewska
    Lack of Transparency in Algorithmic Management of Workers and Trade Unions’ Right to Information: European and Polish Perspectives
  6. Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka, Anna Piszcz, Sofia Oliveira Pais
    Collective agreements on working conditions of solo self-employed persons: perspective of EU competition law
  7. Aneta Giedrewicz-Niewińska, Viktor Križan, Jana Komendova
    The Obligations of the Employer in the Implementation of Remote Work: The Examples of Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland
  8. Qerkin Berisha, Aleksandra Klich
    Remote Work Regulations in the EU, Poland and Kosovo with Some Considerations from the Perspective of the GDPR
  9. Iwona Sierocka
    Control of Remote Workers by Means of Artificial Intelligence
  10. Daniel Perez del Prado
    The Challenges of Algorithm Management: The Spanish Perspective
  11. Maciej Etel
    The Legal Situation of Operators of Essential Services and Digital Service Providers in the Provisions of the Act of 5 July 2018 on the National Cybersecurity System
  12. Paulina Korycińska-Rządca
    Trade Secrets in the Digital Age: How Do the Measures Provided for in EU Law Face the Challenges of Protecting an Employer’s Trade Secrets against Unauthorised Acquisition, Use and Disclosure by Its Employees?
  13. Maciej Nyka, Karolina Zapolska
    The Impact of the DAC7 Directive on the Functioning of Platforms and Platform Operators, from the Perspective of the Legal Model of Their Collaboration with Individuals
  14. Joanna Dorota Sieńczyło-Chlabicz
    Commercialization of the Results of Research Carried Out by Public University Employees Working Remotely: de lege lata and de lege ferenda Conclusions
  15. Jose Maria Miranda Boto, Elisabeth Brameshuber
    The Digitalisation of Tools for Workers’ Representation in Europe and Spain: A First Approach

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Collection's Items (Sortowane przez Data zamieszczenia w Malejąco kolejnośi): 1 do 15 z 15
Data wydaniaTytułAutor(rzy)PromotorRedaktor(rzy)
2024The Digitalisation of Tools for Workers’ Representation Workers’ Representation Tools in Europe and Spain: A First ApproachMiranda Boto, Jose Maria; Brameshuber, Elisabeth--
2024Commercialization of the Results of Research Carried Out by Public University Employees Working Remotely: de lege lata and de lege ferenda ConclusionsSieńczyło-Chlabicz, Joanna Dorota--
2024The Impact of the DAC7 Directive on the Functioning of Platforms and Platform Operators, from the Perspective of the Legal Model of Their Collaboration with IndividualsNyka, Maciej; Zapolska, Karolina--
2024Trade Secrets in the Digital Age: How Do the Measures Provided for in EU Law Face the Challenges of Protecting an Employer’s Trade Secrets against Unauthorised Acquisition, Use and Disclosure by Its Employees?Korycińska-Rządca, Paulina--
2024The Legal Situation of Operators of Essential Services and Digital Service Providers in the Provisions of the Act of 5 July 2018 on the National Cybersecurity SystemEtel, Maciej--
2024The Challenges of Algorithm Management: The Spanish PerspectivePerez del Prado, Daniel--
2024Control of Remote Workers by Means of Artificial IntelligenceSierocka, Iwona--
2024Remote Work Regulations in the EU, Poland and Kosovo with Some Considerations from the Perspective of the GDPRBerisha, Qerkin; Klich, Aleksandra--
2024The Obligations of the Employer in the Implementation of Remote Work: The Examples of Slovakia, the Czech Republic and PolandGiedrewicz-Niewińska, Aneta; Križan, Viktor; Komendová, Jana--
2024Collective agreements on working conditions of solo self-employed persons: perspective of EU competition lawJurkowska-Gomułka, Agata; Piszcz, Anna; Oliveira Pais, Sofia--
2024Lack of Transparency in Algorithmic Management of Workers and Trade Unions’ Right to Information: European and Polish PerspectivesStefański, Krzysztof; Żywolewska, Katarzyna--
2024Collective Bargang in Technology-Based EmploymentJaspers, Teun; Mądrzycki, Błażej; Pisarczyk, Łukasz--
2024The Right of Trade Unions to Information in the Era of the Fourth and Fifth Industrial RevolutionsBaran, Krzysztof--
2024From Discrimination to Dismissal: Navigating Obstacles on the Path to Workplace JusticeTomsej, Jakub--
2024Can a Basic Income Make the Digital Revolution More Sustainable and Inclusive?Menegatti, Emanuele--
Collection's Items (Sortowane przez Data zamieszczenia w Malejąco kolejnośi): 1 do 15 z 15