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dc.contributor.authorSzturc, Włodzimierz-
dc.descriptionRedakcja serii: Jarosław Ławski, Krzysztof Korotkichpl
dc.descriptionRedaktor tomu: Krzysztof Korotkichpl
dc.description.abstractOn October 21, 2021 at 11:30 at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Bialystok, Professor Włodzimierz Szturc gave a lecture entitled The phonosphere of Stanisław Wyspiański’s texts. Sound as the source of existence. Professor W. Szturc is a historian of literature and theatrologist, a professor at the Jagiellonian University and a lecturer at the Stanisław Wyspiański Academy of Theater Arts in Krakow. He also lectured at the University of Grenoble in France. For over 30 years, he has been cooperating with Białystok’s Polish studies, participating in most of the scientific conferences organized at the University of Bialystok, in scientific grants, reviewing scientific monographs, giving guest lectures, as well as supporting scientific and cultural initiatives of students associated in scientific circles of the Faculty of Philology. In 2015 in Bialystok a collection of dramas by Szturc entitled Trauma was published in the Bialystok Philological Collection Series. Szturc’s dramatic works were staged on the stages of Polish theaters by, among others, Anna Augustynowicz. Professor Włodzimierz Szturc is an outstanding historian of literature, specializing in the works of C. K. Norwid, J. Słowacki, J. W. Goethe (Archaeology of Imagination. Studies on Słowacki and Norwid, 2001; Goethe’s Faust. Towards Romantic Anthropology, 1997) and other writers of the Romantic period. His studies on Romantic drama (The Theory of Romantic Drama in 19th-Century Europe; On the Revolutions of the Romantic Spheres. Studies on Ideas and Imagination) became an important point of reference for historians studying the problems of Romantic drama. He is the author of numerous works devoted to irony, starting with the already classic dissertation Romantic Irony. Concept, Limits and Poetics (1992), through Eight Essays on Irony (1994), to the fundamental work Eironeia (2018), in which the scholar systematically explores one of the most important literary, philosophical and cultural themes. The scholar is a well-known comparatist with wide interests, an interpreter of the imagination of ancient, romantic, modernist and contemporary poets. He included his research in a series whose leitmotif is the space of sensitivity (My Spaces. Sketches on Human Sensitivity, 2002; New Spaces. Sketches on Passion, 2011; Painful Spaces. Studies on the Rhythms of Death, 2015). Professor Szturc is also a cultural anthropologist, theatrologist, researcher of the sources of theater (Ritual Sources of Theatre. Ritual – Mask – Feast, 2013; Genetics of the Spectacle. Man – Mask – Ritual – Spectacle, 2017). In COVID-19 pandemic that has been going on for almost a year, the lecture was postponed in the hope that it could be organised stationary. Eventually, the organizers decided that the lecture would be held in a hybrid form, using a platform that would enable the broadcast of the event. In the hall of Prof. M. R. Mayenowa students and lecturers of Polish philology and representatives of other philological faculties gathered to listen to lectures in a direct form. The speaker and participants on behalf of the Organizers were welcomed by prof. Krzysztof Korotkich, who led the meeting via the Internet. Thanks to the broadcast, the event was attended by over hundred listeners, including high school students and teachers as well as students and lecturers from other universities, including Slavic studies at the University of Vienna. Professor W. Szturc’s lecture aroused great interest among the audience, especially second-year students of Polish studies. After the lecture, the participants asked questions to the speaker (including students: Karol Zimnoch, Kamil Szoda), which over time turned into a lively, interesting conversation, in which the audience gathered in the auditorium and the listeners using the broadcast got involved. On the same day students from the Scientific Circle “Humanities Club” organized a Polish Poets’ Recitation Competition for secondary school students dedicated to the poetry of C. K. Norwid. Prof. W. Szturc was in the jury in this competition. Przełożył Dariusz Piechotapl
dc.publisherWydawnictwo PRYMAT Mariusz Śliwowskipl
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSeria Naukowo‑Literacka „Prelekcje Mistrzów";27-
dc.subjectStanisław Wyspiańskipl
dc.subjectPrelekcje Mistrzówpl
dc.titleFonosfera tekstów Stanisława Wyspiańskiego. Brzmienie jako źródło istnieniapl
dc.title.alternativeThe Phonosphere of Stanisław Wyspiański’s Texts. Sound as the Source of Existencepl
dc.title.alternativeLa phonosphère des textes de Stanisław Wyspiański. Le son comme source de l’existencepl
dc.rights.holderCopyright by Włodzimierz Szturc, Białystok 2022pl
dc.rights.holderCopyright by Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Białystok 2022pl
dc.description.BiographicalnoteProf. zw. dr hab. Włodzimierz Szturc wykłada w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim (Katedra Teatru i Dramatu) i w Akademii Sztuk Teatralnych im. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego w Krakowie. Jest historykiem teatru i dramatu, znawcą literatury XIX wieku, badaczem kultur starożytnych i rytuałów, które są przedmiotem jego wykładów z antropologii kulturowej i mitoznawstwa porównawczego. W centrum jego refleksji znajduje się twórczość Norwida, Słowackiego, Wyspiańskiego i Becketta. Był wykładowcą zatrudnionym na uniwersytetach francuskich (Paryż, Tours, Grenoble). Jest dramaturgiem ( „Do dna”) oraz autorem, którego sztuki wystawiane na licznych scenach teatralnych są odczytywane jako rytualne dramaty metafizyczne (debiut w Teatrze Współczesnym w Szczecinie sztuką „Magnifikat” w reż. Anny Augustynowicz. Jest autorem 15 książek z dziedziny literatury, mitoznawstwa i teatru oraz wielu artykułów z tych dziedzin. Opublikował autorskie dramaty, zebrane w tomie Trauma (Białystok 2015).pl
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