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dc.contributor.authorБай, Олена-
dc.contributor.authorЯручик, Ольга-
dc.identifier.citationStudia Wschodniosłowiańskie, T. 22, 2022, s. 169-179pl
dc.description.abstractThe semantic loading of archaisms in Ukrainian translations of Danylo Bratkowskyi’s poems by Valerii Shewchuk is analyzed in the article. They are separated from another layer of outdated vocabulary – historicisms in modern language. Their belonging to different groups is indicated in terms of structure and content. Taking into account the structure of archaisms, we distinguish stylistic, morphological, word-formation, phonetic and lexical groups. Semantically we should consider that there are complete and superficial archaisms, so they perform different functions in the translated text and in the original text. In the publication attention is paid to the level of adequacy and equivalence of translated baroque poetry. The prospects of translation of the ancient text with the use of archaisms are determined. Among the words-realities in the Ukrainian versions of Bratkowskyi’s poems we identify historicisms and a small group of archaisms consonant with them, which either have synonymous equivalents in modern Ukrainian or had them not so long ago, in the 20th century. Very often this type of vocabulary refers to public positions, professions, household items, etc. In this case the technique of archaizing the text is fully justified, as it conveys the spirit of antiquity and reproduces the linguistic richness of the ancient kingdom of Poland, which consisted of several nations and which is no longer on the world map. The most common group are archaisms of the classical type, which are divided into subgroups by the nature of creation. In Ukrainian translations of Bratkowskyi we find their phonetic, morphological, word-forming and semantic variations. Regardless of the type of creation, all these obsolete words are used for a single purpose – imitation of the Baroque epoch, from which we are separated by three centuries. Word-forming and lexical archaisms predominate among them. Most of them perform the superficial function of archaizing the text without significantly changing its content. To the individual translation style we assign so-called pseudo-realities and pseudo-archaisms, which, thanks to the preserved transcription of words from the original transfer of Polish words to the Ukrainian lexical ground, gain an old-fashioned flavour. The number of such authorial interpretations is very significant, so they must be allocated to a separate group. Descriptive translation in this case would be most appropriate and equivalent to the original texts. It can be concluded, on the basis of the conducted research, that archaisms are one of the most numerous groups of vocabulary in Ukrainian translations of Danylo Bratkowskyi’s Polish language poetry. Phonetic and lexical (semantic) archaic groups predominate among them and are significantly widespread due to the translator’s creation of his own words that correspond to the Polish original definitions through transcription. We can define this individuality as a tendency for polonization of speech that is often characteristic of dialectal
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstokupl
dc.subjectпольськомовна поезiяpl
dc.subjectPolish-language poetrypl
dc.titleСмислотворча функцiя архаïзмiв вiршiв Данила Братковського у перекладi Валерiя Шевчукаpl
dc.title.alternativeSemantic function of archaisms in Ukrainian tranlations of Danylo Bratkowskyi’s poems by Valerii Shevchukpl
dc.rights.holder© Copyright by Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Białystok 2022pl
dc.description.EmailОлена Бай: bajolena@gmail.compl
dc.description.EmailОльга Яручик: ola2180@gmail.compl
dc.description.AffiliationОлена Бай - Волинський нацiональний унiверситет iменi Лесi Украïнки, Факультет фiлологiï та журналiстики, Кафедра полонiстики i перекладуpl
dc.description.AffiliationОльга Яручик - Волинський нацiональний унiверситет iменi Лесi Украïнки, Факультет фiлологiï та журналiстики, Кафедра полонiстики i перекладуpl
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dc.identifier.citation2Studia Wschodniosłowiańskiepl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Studia Wschodniosłowiańskie, 2022, tom 22

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