Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej, 2022, tom XXI : [14]
Strona glówna kolekcji Zobacz statystyki



  1. Rev. Dariusz Lipiec
    The formation of presbyters for the work with non-believers in Poland


  3. Adam Drozdek
    Theological arguments of Hubert Hayer
  4. Rev. Andrzej Proniewski
    Epistemological bases of the dogma the Immaculate Conception of Mary


  6. Helena Ciepła
    Relationships between parents and children and the child’s affiliation in the provisions of the family codes in the former and contemporary Republic of Poland
  7. Bishop Henryk Ciereszko
    Marriage and the family issues in the research and writings of Blessed Michał Sopoćko in the light of his scientific activity and legacy
  8. Lidia Dakowicz, Andrzej Dakowicz
    Psychological maturity of young women and men for marriage as the predicator for the observance of contemporary family law
  9. Anna Maria Fiedorowicz, Łukasz Fiedorowicz
    Family and its protection in contemporary Polish legislation
  10. Elwira Jolanta Kryńska
    The concept and meaning of the family in the context of the deliberations of Blessed Father Michał Sopocko
  11. Cezary Kuklo
    Family structures on Polish soil at the end of the partitions period and in the interwar Poland. The outline of issues
  12. Teresa Mróz
    The functions of the spouse’s consent for the legal actions within the statutory matrimonial property regime
  13. Sr. Dominika Steć
    The influence of moral principles on the formation of a healthy family according to blessed father Michał Sopoćko


  15. Rev. Karol Swatkowski
    John Paul II’s apology of human freedom


  17. Raisa Zianiuk
    The procedure of entering convents in Belarus in the second half of XIX and at the beginning of XX century: legislation and practice
  18. Rev. Leszek Marius Jakoniuk
    Sprawozdanie z działalności Katedry Teologii Katolickiej Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku w roku akademickim 2021/2022

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Collection's Items (Sortowane przez Data zamieszczenia w Malejąco kolejnośi): 1 do 14 z 14
Data wydaniaTytułAutor(rzy)PromotorRedaktor(rzy)
2022Sprawozdanie z działalności Katedry Teologii Katolickiej Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku w roku akademickim 2021/2022Jakoniuk, Leszek Marius--
2022The Procedure of Joining the order in Belarus in the Second Half of XIX and at the Beginning of XX Century: Legislation and PracticeZianiuk, Raisa--
2022John Paul II’s apology of human freedomSwatkowski, Karol--
2022The influence of moral principles on the formation of a healthy family according to blessed father Michał SopoćkoSteć, Dominika--
2022The functions of the spouse’s consent for the legal actions within the statutory matrimonial property regimeMróz, Teresa--
2022Family structures on Polish soil at the end of the partitions period and in the interwar Poland. The outline of issuesKuklo, Cezary--
2022The concept and meaning of the family in the context of the deliberations of Blessed Father Michał SopockoKryńska, Elwira Jolanta--
2022Family and its protection in contemporary Polish legislationFiedorowicz, Anna Maria; Fiedorowicz, Łukasz--
2022Psychological maturity of young men and women for marriage as the predicator for the observance of contemporary family lawDakowicz, Lidia; Dakowicz, Andrzej--
2022Marriage and the family issues in the research and writings of Blessed Michał Sopoćko in the light of his scientific activity and legacyCiereszko, Henryk--
2022Relationships between parents and children and the child’s affiliation in the provisions of the family codes in the former and contemporary Republic of PolandCiepła, Helena--
2022Epistemological bases of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of MaryProniewski, Andrzej--
2022Theological arguments of Hubert HayerDrozdek, Adam--
2022The formation of presbyters for the work with non-believers in PolandLipiec, Dariusz--
Collection's Items (Sortowane przez Data zamieszczenia w Malejąco kolejnośi): 1 do 14 z 14