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Tytuł: Samostanowienie narodów i prawo do samoobrony w kontekście umiędzynarodowienia współczesnych konfliktów wewnętrznych
Inne tytuły: Self-determination and the right to self-defense in the context of internationalization of modern international conflicts
Autorzy: Drabarz, Anna
Perkowski, Maciej
Słowa kluczowe: samoobrona
konflikty wewnętrzne
umiędzynarodowienie konfliktów wewnętrznych
interwencja humanitarna
Data wydania: 2013
Data dodania: 17-lis-2022
Wydawca: Temida 2 przy wspólpracy i wsparciu finansowym Wydziału Prawa Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Źródło: War and peace. Philosophical, political and legal aspects. Vol. II. Legal conditionings, ed. by Anetta Breczko and Florian Lempa, s. 57-78
Abstrakt: The doctrine perceive the cause of the increase in number of internationalized internal conflicts in competing countries with political influence avoiding open disputes. However, while the model of foreign intervention in internal conflicts based on a variety of reasons – including strategic, political or economic interests – is still functioning, in last decades there had been an increase in the number of multilateral interventions based on the premise of right to self-determination and action in self-defense in international politics. The versatility is significantly different from the previous involvement of foreign actors in conflicts within states. Intervention in internal conflicts through multilateral action should not be taken by states solely because of their own geopolitical interests. It is rather supposed to serve to mitigate humanitarian crises resulting from violent intra-conflicts. Furthermore, involvement of third countries should be carried out by several entities, usually under supervision of an intergovernmental organization, not by one main actor acting unilaterally.
Afiliacja: Anna Drabarz - University of Białystok, Faculty of Law, Departmentof International Law
Maciej Perkowski - University of Białystok, Faculty of Law, Department of International Law
Opis: Zdigitalizowano i udostępniono w ramach projektu pn. Rozbudowa otwartych zasobów naukowych Repozytorium Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, dofinansowanego z programu „Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki” Ministra Edukacji i Nauki na podstawie umowy SONB/SP/512497/2021
ISBN: 978-83-62813-59-9
Typ Dokumentu: Book chapter
Właściciel praw: © Copyright by Temida 2 Białystok 2013
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Książki / Rozdziały (Temida2)
Książki/Rozdziały (WP)

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