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dc.contributor.authorKucała, Bożena-
dc.identifier.citationCrossroads. A Journal of English Studies 36 (1/2022), pp. 8-21pl
dc.description.abstractAs argued, among others, by Gaston Bachelard in The Poetics of Space (1958), a house which has been inhabited over a period of time becomes a composite of its physical structure and the mental space created by its residents’ thoughts, dreams and memories. This article analyses two contemporary novels in which houses as tangible manifestations of temporally remote experience provide a link to the Vic-torian past. Lauren Willig’s That Summer (2014) and Kate Beaufoy’s Another Heartbeat in the House (2015) represent the same type of neo-Victorian fiction: their plots are composed of two strands, one set in the modern age and the other in the nineteenth century, and in the course of each story parallels and conver-gences are revealed between the two ages and the two casts of characters. The article argues that both novels are also typical “romances of the archive” – as defined by Suzanne Keen (2001) − in which the ma-terial legacy of the past triggers a personally motivated inquiry, leading contemporary characters to un-cover certain bygone mysteries, and, crucially, to recognise the past’s continuing appeal and
dc.publisherThe University of Białystokpl
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Na tych samych warunkach 4.0 Międzynarodowepl
dc.subjectneo-Victorian fictionpl
dc.subjectthe house in literaturepl
dc.subjectromances of the archivepl
dc.subjectinteraction between past and presentpl
dc.subjectdouble plotpl
dc.titleHousing the past: Victorian houses in neo - Victorian fictionpl
dc.rights.holderCreative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)pl
dc.description.BiographicalnoteBożena Kucała is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of English Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, where she teaches nineteenth-century and contemporary English literature. Her research interests include contemporary English fiction, especially the historical novel and neo-Victorian fiction. Main publications: Intertextual Dialogue with the Victorian Past in the Contemporary Novel (2012), co-edited books: Writer and Time: James Joyce and After (2010), Confronting the Burden of History: Literary Representations of the Past (2012), Travelling Texts: J.M. Coetzee and Other Writers (2014), Powieść brytyjska w XXI wieku [The British Novel in the 21st Centur y] (2018).pl
dc.description.AffiliationJagiellonian University in Kraków, Polandpl
dc.description.referencesBachelard, G. 1994. The Poetics of Space. Trans. M. Jolas. Boston: Beacon
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dc.description.referencesBeaufoy, K. 2015. Another Heartbeat in the House. Dublin: Transworld Ireland. Kindle
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dc.description.referencesByatt, A.S. 2002 [1990]. Possession: A Romance. London:
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dc.description.referencesKeen, S. 2003 [2001]. Romances of the Archive in Contemporary British Fiction. University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing
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dc.description.referencesLeonard, S. 2015. Kate Beaufoy: Lakeside lodge deserved a story, so I wrote Another Heartbeat in the House. The Irish Examiner 21 November. (accessed 12 April 2020).pl
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dc.description.referencesMcClements, F. 2016. Another Heartbeat in the House by Kate Beaufoy. The Irish Times16 January. (accessed 12 April 2020).pl
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dc.description.referencesThat Summer by Lauren Willig. 2014. Kirkus Reviews Issue 15 May. (accessed 12 April 2020).pl
dc.description.referencesWillig, L. 2014. That Summer. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Kindle
dc.description.issue36 (1/2022)pl
dc.identifier.citation2Crossroads. A Journal of English Studiespl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Crossroads. A Journal of English Studies, 2022, Issue 36

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