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dc.contributor.authorReznikova, Sylva-
dc.identifier.citationContexts and Plurality in Phraseology: Didactics, Learning and Translation, editor Mariangela Albano, Julia Miller, Białystok 2020, s. 135-151pl
dc.description.abstractThis paper focuses on the doctrinal legal analysis of the international law on minority language maintenance as it is reflected in Czech and Polish legislation. Syntactic and semantic ambiguities and vagueness in word meanings are examined with a focus on legal differences between autochthonous and immigrant communities and on the inflexibility of legal guarantees. It is concluded that there is no legal consensus as to who should benefit from legal provisions on language maintenance, because there is no universally accepted definition of national minority and there is no consensus on the justifiability of legal differentiation between traditional autochthonous minorities and newer communities of immigrants with respect to language rights. Additionally, current legal documents do not impose obligations on states to guarantee enforceable and equal linguistic rights for
dc.description.abstractCet article a pour objectif de faire une analyse juridique doctrinale de la loi internationale concernant le maintien des langues minoritaires dans la législation tchèque et polonaise en se servant des expressions figées utilisées au sein des documents internationaux. Le but est d’analyser les ambiguïtés et les imprécisions sémantiques du sens des mots et, plus specifiquement, l’accent est mis sur les mots marquant la distinction juridique entre les communautes autochtones et les communautés immigrantes et l’insuffisance de fléxibilité et de garanties juridiques. Notre étude vise à montrer qu’il n’existe pas de consensus juridique précisant ceux qui bénéficient des dispositions juridiques concernant le maintien des langues minoritaires. En fait, il n’y a pas, à l’heure actuelle, de définition généralement acceptée de minorité ethnique et il n’y a pas de consensus concernant la legitimité de la distinction juridique entre les minorites autochtones traditionnelles et les communautés des immigrants moins anciennes, vu les lois linguistiques. De surcroˆıt, les documents juridiques contemporains n’obligent pas les etats ´ a garantir aux minorités des lois linguistiques justes et
dc.publisherUniversity of Bialystok Publishing Housepl
dc.relation.ispartofseriesIntercontinental Dialogue on Phraseology;7-
dc.subjectdoctrinal legal analysispl
dc.subjectminority language rightspl
dc.subjectCzech lawpl
dc.subjectPolish lawpl
dc.subjectanalyse juridique doctrinalepl
dc.subjectlois domestiques et internationalespl
dc.subjectdroits linguistiques des minoritéspl
dc.titleEquality in minority language maintenance – the phrasing of lawpl
dc.title.alternativeL’égalité dans le maintien d’une langue minoritaire – les phraséologismes du langage juridiquepl
dc.typeBook chapterpl
dc.rights.holder© Copyright by University of Bialystok, Białystok 2020pl
dc.description.BiographicalnoteSylva REZNIKOVA earned her PhD in law and linguistics from the University of Lancaster, where she received a full scholarship aimed at interdis ciplinary research. She also holds an MA in international relations (research track) from the University of Nottingham and degrees in law and linguistics from Charles University in Prague. She has been a visiting researcher at the University of St Andrews and at the University of Glasgow, School of Law. She is a lecturer in law at the Czech University of Life Sciences and an affiliate lecturer in critical discourse analysis at Charles
dc.description.AffiliationCzech University of Life Sciences (Czech Republic)pl
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dc.identifier.citation2Contexts and Plurality in Phraseology: Didactics, Learning and Translation, editor Mariangela Albano, Julia Millerpl
dc.conferenceMiędzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa EUROPHRAS2018: Reproducibility from a phraseological perspective: Structural, functional and cultural aspects, Białystok 10-12 września 2018pl
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Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa EUROPHRAS2018: Reproducibility from a phraseological perspective: Structural, functional and cultural aspects, 10-12 września 2018

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