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dc.contributor.authorHalicki, Jerzy-
dc.descriptionZdigitalizowano i udostępniono w ramach projektu pn. Rozbudowa otwartych zasobów naukowych Repozytorium Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, dofinansowanego z programu „Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki” Ministra Edukacji i Nauki na podstawie umowy SONB/SP/512497/
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this book is to present the picture of old age as delineated by the elderly participants in a research project while demonstrating to what extent these elderly show a positive picture of ageing and living through their own old age. The research is based on the material obtained through detailed interviews conducted with sixty elderly people. The views presented by the studied seniors, referring to old age in human life, can be divided into four categories reflecting the perceptions of old age. Old age as fate. Various discomforts of old age affect one's situation (pains, problems with mobility etc.). The narrators in this group consider themselves old, while old age a natural consequence of human life which has to be accepted as nothing can be done about it. Old age, in their view, is a sad period in human life. This attitude is permeated with fears (connected with the sense of loss, while the greatest fear is that ofbeing dependent upon others). Usually passivity dominates, accompanied by the acceptance of the turn of events. Frequently the narration assumes nostalgic-reflective mode, confronting the former "happy" reality with the present unfortunate condition. No plans are made for the future. Living from day to day dominates. The overall pessimistic mood is toned down by the conviction that there are people one can rely upon. Sense of comfort is also gained by the awareness of having raised a family, children and grandchildren, and thus not having wasted one's life. The picture of old age as fate is filled with experiences occurring despite one's own will, since such is the turn of events. Old age as experience of loss. Most of all the changes in one's aging body are observed. And even though these changes are natural, for a long time they appear difficult to accept. This situation is made worse by the inevitable losses in one's family and social networks, inherent to the process of ageing. These factors contribute to the fear of one's future fate, especially since these subjects tend to be at present active and independent. What can be observed here are: either the loss of faith in the future or regret at the wrong decisions made in the past. Despite stress upon the sense of loss, in this picture gains are pointed out, in the form of freedom and free time. This free time provides quite a challenge since the elderly favouring this way of viewing old age attach great significance to reasonable use of free time. They strongly believe in the need of appropriate adjustment to each period of life, including old age. Old age as the necessity of adjustment. Changes are observed, both external and internal, affecting the ageing body. They are natural at this age. However, the elderly in this group, usually actively involved in something, do not consider themselves old. To them, life increases its value when the person can enjoy it. The optimistic attitude is essential. It grows out of the features of personality as well as out of proper relations with family and friends. Good ageing depends to some extent on fate (or, in other words, Providence), but results also from the efforts of the individual. However difficult it is to foresee one's old age, it is necessary to adjust to what it may bring. The future is looked into with both hope and insecurity, which concern most of all health status and proper social contacts. The respondents from this group believe they still have many good moments before them. Old age as challenge. Changes brought by old age are troublesome, but you can learn to live with them. They should be treated as natural. Good mood is essential, but it depends less on age and looks, more on personality. Contacts with family and friends are important. If it is difficult to do things on one's own, asking others for help is a natural thing to do. There are no situations without a solution. In life one should not give up, but take an active stand against difficulties, and similarly in old age - on the one hand one should fight against it, on the other accept what life brings. In other words it is necessary to face old age and accept its challenges. Negative thinking should be avoided. One cannot turn back time. Old age should not be compared to previous stages in one 's life because ageing is a natural turn of events. Future, no matter how unknown, should not be a source of fears. The person should adjust to what life brings as there is no choice. Even a disabled person can facilitate his life by using a wheelchair or a cane. The greatest value is life as such. With progress of old age the probability of the loss of independence increases. It is therefore important to acquire the ability to adjust to this new situation without the loss of one's value. The concept of mutual dependence may help in the acceptance of the slow loss of independence occurring as a result of ageing. Three stages can be observed. The first stage: providing help (from one side) - serves as temporary assistance, does not lead to any permanent union. The second stage is constituted by mutual help based on the rule of symmetry. It relies on the assumption that, while achieving positive gains from someone, an elderly person tries to repay in the same way. Offering kindness to someone else it is expected to receive the same in return. Thus partnership arises or is strengthened. However, it is important to make sure that services come from both sides and are balanced. They should bring visible advantage to both sides. The third stage: help from many sides - this type of help is based on the rule of parallel actions. Receiving kindness (services) from one person obliges us to act kindly towards
dc.description.sponsorshipWydanie publikacji zostało sfinansowane przez Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii Uniwersytetu w Białymstokupl
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstokupl
dc.titleObrazy starości: rysowane przeżyciami seniorówpl
dc.title.alternativePictures of old age from experiences of seniorspl
dc.rights.holder© Copyright by Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Białystok 2010pl
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