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dc.contributor.authorEismann, Wolfgang-
dc.identifier.citationReproducible Multiword Expressions from a Theoretical and Empirical Perspective, editors Joanna Szerszunowicz, Martyna Awier, Białystok 2020, s. 165-175pl
dc.description.abstractIm vorliegenden Beitrag geht es um eine Würdigung der Verdienste Leonid Ivanovič Rojzenzons (1920–1977) um die Phraseologie. Rojzenzon war der Erste, der sich mit guten Gründen für eine linguistische Disziplin “Phraseologie” aussprach, deren einziges und ausschlaggebendes Kriterium die Reproduzierbarkeit ist. Diese fasste er als spezifische phraseologische Reproduzierbarkeit auf, die sowohl den Mehrwortcharakter als auch die Festigkeit des Phraseologismus mit einschließt. Der von Rojzenzon propagierte “dichotomische” Charakter der Reproduzierbarkeit ist allerdings nicht unumstritten. In einer Reihe von anderen Bereichen hat die von Rojzenzon mitbegr ündete phraseologische Schule von Samarkand jedoch Pionierleistungen für die phraseologische Forschung
dc.description.abstractThough Leonid Ivanovič Rojzenzon (1920–1977) is still mentioned in some reference works on phraseology even today, his merits in the field of general and Russian phraseology await their due appreciation. The general theme of this publication gives occasion to do so, for Rojzenzon was the first who argued with good reasons for a phraseological theory whose only and decisive criterion is reproducibility (vosproizvodimost’). The paper shows how Rojzenzon defines the term of reproducibility while including in his definition the multiple word character and the fixedness of the phraseologism. Furthermore it is discussed how Rojzenzon distinguishes reproducibility and quotability and what reasoning he uses to defend his conception of the dichotomic character of reproducibility (each reproduced unit corresponds to a potential identical produced unit) against critical objections. It shall not be concealed that his explanation for those cases in which he talks about indirect dichotomy is based on vulgar materialist arguments which may be explained by the context of the prevailing epistemological doctrine in the former Soviet Union. Reproducibility is seen by Rojzenzon as a psycholinguistic property and is closely related to the problem of phraseologization, to which Rojzenzon provided basic work. This paper tries to pay tribute to the achievements of Rojzenzon in the field of phraseology. In the ’70s of the 20th century Rojzenzon turned Samarkand into a center of research in general and in Russian phraseology. This was reflected in anthologies and bibliographies on phraseology, but also in pioneering achievements in special areas of phraseological research. For example, Rojzenzon was the first who dealt with the problem of special phraseologisms which much later were called kinegrams or gestural phraseologisms by other
dc.publisherUniversity of Bialystok Publishing Housepl
dc.relation.ispartofseriesIntercontinental Dialogue on Phraseology;9-
dc.subjectLeonid Ivanovič Rojzenzonpl
dc.subjectphraseologische Schule von Samarkandpl
dc.titleReproduzierbarkeit als unikales Kriterium zur Bestimmung von Phraseologismen. Zu den Verdiensten von Leonid Ivanovič Rojzenzon um die phraseologische Theoriepl
dc.title.alternativeReproducibilty as a Unique Criterion for Determining Phraseological Units. To the Merits of Leonid Ivanovič Rojzenzon for Phraseological Theorypl
dc.typeBook chapterpl
dc.rights.holder© Copyright by University of Bialystok, Białystok 2020;-
dc.description.AffiliationKarl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austriapl
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dc.identifier.citation2Reproducible Multiword Expressions from a Theoretical and Empirical Perspective, editors Joanna Szerszunowicz, Martyna Awierpl
dc.conferenceMiędzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa EUROPHRAS2018: Reproducibility from a phraseological perspective: Structural, functional and cultural aspects, Białystok 10-12 września 2018pl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Książki / Rozdziały (WUwB)
Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa EUROPHRAS2018: Reproducibility from a phraseological perspective: Structural, functional and cultural aspects, 10-12 września 2018

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