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dc.contributor.authorBartkowiak, Grażyna-
dc.identifier.citationNauczyciel we współczesnej rzeczywistości edukacyjnej, red. nauk. Anna Karpińska, Monika Zińczuk, Karol Kowalczuk, Białystok 2021, s. 267-286pl
dc.description.abstractAccording to data from 2018, Poland is a relatively homogeneous country in the European Union in terms of nationality. Around 345 000 representatives of other nations live in our country, of which about 46% are immigrants from Ukraine. Despite the fact that these people, in comparison with other countries in the European Union, face more difficulties both in terms of formal requirements related to permanent residence, access to medical care, institutions dealing with education, and opportunities to find their place in the labour market, this trend is growing and their children constitute about 0,7% of the Polish children’s population (Portal: In Poland, the system of free, obligatory education covers children and youth up to 18 years in primary, and since 2010 also secondary, schools. In this situation, one can expect that a significant problem that will appear before the Polish education system in the near future will be the education of refugee children in Polish schools. The subject of the article is the attitudes of teachers towards the education of immigrant children in Poland and problems related to the education of these children. The article aims to answer the following questions: 1. What are the attitudes towards the education of immigrant children presented by Polish teachers? 2. What kind of didactic and educational problems can occur in connection with the appearance of immigrant children in Polish schools? 3. What actions should teachers take to improve the teaching process to integrate the school environment? In order to get an answer to a research problem formulated thusly, surveys using a specially prepared questionnaire were planned and carried out in a group of 42 primary and middle school teachers in two Polish cities (with over 600 000 inhabitants) and subsequently interviews with them were conducted. The data obtained generally showed an understanding of the problems of education of immigrant children and the teachers’ professional approach to their
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstokupl
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEdukacja w Dialogu i Perspektywie;-
dc.titlePostawy nauczycieli wobec kształcenia dzieci imigrantów w polskich szkołach. Problemy związane z ich edukacjąpl
dc.title.alternativeTeachers’ attitudes towards the education of immigrant children in Polish schools. Problems related to their educationpl
dc.typeBook chapterpl
dc.rights.holder© Copyright by Uniwersytet w Białymstoku Białystok 2021;-
dc.description.BiographicalnoteGrażyna Bartkowiak – prof. dr hab., Akademia Marynarki Wojennej w Gdynipl
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dc.identifier.citation2Nauczyciel we współczesnej rzeczywistości edukacyjnej, red. nauk. Anna Karpińska, Monika Zińczuk, Karol Kowalczukpl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Książki / Rozdziały (WUwB)

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