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dc.contributor.authorPiszcz, Anna-
dc.description.abstractThis book presents and discusses a selection of major topics within various areas of competition laws. It is divided into 8 parts. The first three parts contain introductory materials, as well as reviews of competition authorities and some basic concepts of competition law. Parts 4 and 5 present the prohibition of anti–competitive agreements and the prohibition of the abuse of a dominant position. Part 6 discusses legal sanctions for prohibited practices and procedures relating to such practices. Part 7 is devoted to the control of concentrations. The last part adds some information on the relation between competition and the state. The purpose of this study is to introduce the readers to the basic information on competition law of the European Union and national competition laws of Poland, United Kingdom, Spain and the Czech Republic. For such selection of material I take sole responsibility. This is not the first book on competition law in comparative perspective. However, there are rarely any studies that offer such a combination of the competition laws being compared. Although I had been working on this book for a long time, I was able to complete it owing to circumstances created for me by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok. I am grateful also to fellow lecturers and students who encouraged me to develop a book in English on competition law. Without discussions with them, the completion of this work would not have been possible; they inspired me to make several corrections and improvements to the text of the book. The exchange of experience and access to various, sometimes diffi cult to find foreign books, were essential stages of the book’s completion. A significant range of bibliographic resources that I had access to forced me to select material. In the footnotes, however, I tried to focus on sources in English. Those who are interested in the details thereof are referred to them for further information. Anna Piszczpl
dc.publisherTemida 2pl
dc.relation.ispartofseriesBiałystok Law Books;6-
dc.titleCompetition law in comparative perspectivepl
dc.rights.holderCopyright ©2011 by Temida 2;-
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dc.description.referencesAndriychuk O., Does Competition Matter? An Attempt of Analytical “Unbundling” of Competition from Consumer Welfare: A Response to Miąsik, “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesBernatt M., Right to Be Heard or Protection of the Confi dential Information? Competing Values of Procedural Fairness in the Proceedings in Front of the Competition Authority, “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesBernatt M., The control of Polish courts over the infringements of procedural rules by the national competition authority Case comment to the judgement of the Supreme Court of 19 August 2009 – Marquard Media Polska (Ref. No. III SK 5/09), “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesBernatt M., The legal status of an undertaking – should local governments be treated more favourably in relation to the penalties for breaching Polish antitrust law? Case comment to the judgment of the Supreme Court of 5 January 2007 – City Ostrołęka (Ref. No. III SK 16/06), “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesBędkowski–Kozioł M., What is the link between Article 6 Section 3a of the Energy Law Act and Article 490 of the Civil Code regarding the right of a grid operator to suspend the supply of electricity? Case comment to the judgment of the Supreme Court Judgment of 5 June 2007 – GZE (Ref No. III SK 11/07), “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesBobińska K., The Defense of Monopoly as a Determinant of the Process of Transformation of State–owned Infrastructure Sectors in Poland, “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesBolecki A., Gratuitous transfer of ownership of energy transmission infrastructure as an abuse of a dominant position. Case comment to the judgement of the Supreme Court of 16 October 2008 – Kolej Gondolowa (Ref. No. III SK 2/08), “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesCzernicki F., Legislative Developments in the Civil Aviation Sector in 2008, “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesCzernicki F., Legislative Developments in the Civil Aviation Sector in 2009, “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesDe Ridder P., The Regional State Aid Maps for 2007–2013: Less and Better Targeted Regional Aid, “Competition Policy Newsletter” 1/
dc.description.referencesDudzik S., Enforceability of Regulatory Decisions and Protection of Rights of Telecommunications Undertakings, “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesElżanowski F., Legislative Developments in the Energy Sector in 2008, “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesFornalczyk A., Economic Approach to Counteracting Cartels, “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesForrester I.S., Dawes A., Parallel Trade in Prescription Medicines in the European Union: The Age of Reason?, “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesGalewska E.J., How to determine a price of wholesale line rental? Case comment to the judgment of the Court of the Competition and Consumer Protection of 10 December 2007 – Tele2 (Ref. No. XVII AmT 17/07), “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesGéradin D., Henry D., The EC fi ning policy for violations of competition law: An empirical review of the Commission decisional practice and the Community courts’ judgments, “The Global Competition Law Centre Working Papers Series” 3/
dc.description.referencesHarbord D., Hoehn T., Barriers to Entry and Exit in European Competition Policy, “International. Review of Law and Economics” 14/
dc.description.referencesIllinicz R., Legislative Developments in the Postal Sector in 2008, “YARS”, 2/
dc.description.referencesJeżewska J., Possible objective justifi cation of a network monopoly’s refusal to conclude an agreement on an interconnected market. Case comment to the judgement of the Supreme Court of 14 January 2009 – Commune Rychwał (Ref. No. III SK 24/08), “YARS” 3/2010, p.
dc.description.referencesJurkowska A., A courier service as a postal universal service – can a court asses the correctness of a legal qualifi cation of a service of a courier company that was not contested by the company in an earlier decision taken by the postal regulator? Case comment to the judgment of the Supreme Court of 25 April 2007 – Courier services (Ref. No. III SK 2/07), “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesJurkowska A., Antitrust Private Enforcement – Case of Poland, “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesJurkowska–Gomułka A., Polish Antitrust Legislation and Case Law Review 2009, “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesKohutek K., A local government’s right to determine the conditions of operating on the market for communal waste collection. Can such conditions lead to an anticompetitive foreclosure of that market? Case comment to the judgement of the Supreme Court of 14 November 2008 – City Kalisz (Ref. No. III SK 9/08), “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesKohutek K., Impact of the New Approach to Article 102 TFEU on the Enforcement of the Polish Prohibition of Dominant Position Abuse, “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesKohutek K., Shall selective, above–cost price cutting in the newspaper market be qualifi ed as anti–competitive exclusion? Case comment to the judgement of the Supreme Court of 19 August 2009 – Marquard Media Polska (Ref. No. III SK 5/09), “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesKohutek K., When will the imposition of the requirement to co–fi nance the construction of necessary facilities constitute an abuse of a dominant position? Case comment to the judgment of the Supreme Court of 5 January 2007 – Kolej Gondolowa (Ref. No. III SK 17/06), “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesKolasiński M., Infl uence of General Principles of Community Law on the Polish Antitrust Procedure, “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesKolasiński M., The economic approach in Polish courts: permitted agency agreements or prohibited price fixing? Case comment to the judgment of the Appeal Court in Warsaw of 13 February 2007 – Roche and Hand–Prod (Ref. No. VI AcA 819/06), “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesKosmala K., Legislative Developments in the Telecoms Sector in 2008, “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesKosmala K., 2009 Legislative and Juridical Developments in Telecommunications, “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesKośka D., Kuik K., 2008 and 2009 EU Competition Law and Sector–specific Regulatory Case Law Developments with a Nexus to Poland, “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesKowalik–Bańczyk K., The Publication of the European Commission’s Guidelines in an Offi cial Language of a New Member State as a Condition for their Application. Case Comment to the Order of the Polish Supreme Court of 3 September 2009 (Ref. No. III SK 16/09) to Refer a Preliminary Question to the Court of Justice of the European Union (C–410/99 Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa sp. z o.o. v Prezes Urzędu Komunikacji Elektronicznej), “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesKozak M., Wide scope of administrative discretion justifi ed by features of telecommunications markets. Case comment to the judgment of the Polish Supreme Court of 2 April 2009 – TP SA v. the President of the Electronic Communications Offi ce (Ref. No. III SK 28/08), “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesKozieł T., Commitment Decisions under the Polish Competition Act – Enforcement Practice and Future Perspectives, “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesKról M., Benefi ts and Costs of Vertical Separation in Network Industries. The Case of Railway Transport in the European Environment, “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesKról M., Liberalization without a Regulator. The Rail Freight Transport Market in Poland in the Years 1996–2009, “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesKuik K., 2007 EC Competition Law and Sector–specifi c Regulatory Case Law Developments with a Nexus to Poland, “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesLienemeyer M., The Restructuring of Huta Czestochowa — the Commission’s Decision Finding Compliance with Private Creditor Test but Ordering Recovery of Some Previously Granted Restructuring Aid, “Competition Policy Newsletter” 1/
dc.description.referencesMiąsik D., A Short Comment on Andriychuk, “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesMiąsik D., Controlled Chaos with Consumer Welfare as the Winner – a Study of the Goals of Polish Antitrust Law, “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesMiąsik D., Solvents to the Rescue – a Historical Outline of the Impact of EU Law on the Application of Polish Competition Law by Polish Courts, “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesMolski R., Polish Antitrust Law in its Fight Against Cartels – Awaiting a Breakthrough, “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesMolski R., The legal status of foreign undertakings – could undertakings with a registered seat abroad be regarded as undertakings entitled to file a request for the institution of antimonopoly proceedings under Polish antitrust law? Case comments to the judgment of the Supreme Court of 10 May 2007 – Netherlands Antilles (Ref. No. III SK 24/06), “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesNowak A., Challenges of Liberalisation. The Case of Polish Electricity and Gas Sectors, “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesPiątek S., Investment and Regulation in Telecommunications, “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesPiątek S., Stopping the creeping telecoms regulation. Case comment to the judgment of the European Court of Justice of 13 November 2008 European Commission v. Republic of Poland (Case C–227/07), “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesPiszcz A., Antitrust in Times of Financial Crisis, “Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences” 3/
dc.description.referencesPiszcz A., Czynnik czasu w prawie antymonopolowym [in:] C. Kosikowski (ed.), Czas w prawie, “Białostockie Studia Prawnicze” 7/
dc.description.referencesPiszcz A., Does forcing services on suppliers constitute an abuse of a dominant position? Case comment to the judgment of the Supreme Court of 19 February 2009 – DROP (Ref. No. III SK 31/08), “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesPodrecki P., Civil Law Actions in the Context of Competition Restricting Practices under Polish Law, “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesPoździk R., Does a selection of contractors in a public tender constitute an infringement of a prohibition of competition restricting agreements? Case comment to the judgment of the Supreme Court of 25 April 2007 – STALEXPORT – TRANSROUTE (Ref. No. III SK 3/07), “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesRumak E., Sitarek P., Polish Leniency Programme and its Intersection with Private Enforcement of Competition Law, “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesSage E.D., Who Controls Polish Transmission Masts? At the Intersection of Antitrust and Regulation, “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesSkoczny T., Ochrona konkurencji a prokonkurencyjna regulacja sektorowa, “Problemy Zarządzania” 3/
dc.description.referencesSroczyński J., Permissibility of Exclusive Transactions: Few Remarks in the Context of Media Rights Exploitation, “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesStankiewicz R., Does an undertaking’s reputation affect its market power on the relevant market? Case comment to the judgment of the Supreme Court of 2 April 2009 – PPKS (Ref. No. III SK 30/08), “YARS” 3/
dc.description.referencesStefaniuk M., 2007 Antitrust and Regulatory Developments in Legislation in Poland, “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesStefaniuk M., 2008 Antitrust Law Developments in Poland, “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesTosza K., Payment Card Systems as an Example of Two–sided Markets – a Challenge for Antitrust Authorities, “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesWach M., Should a fee for mobile phone number portability be determined solely by subscriber preferences? Comments to the judgments of the Court of Competition and Consumers Protection of 8 January 2007 (Ref. No. XVII AmT 29/06) and 6 March 2007 (Ref. No. XVII AmT 33/06) – Portability fee, “YARS” 1/
dc.description.referencesWalsh D.J., Carrots and Sticks – Leniency and Fines in EC Cartel Cases, “European Competition Law Review” 1/
dc.description.referencesZawisza K., Legislative Developments in Rail Transport in 2008, “YARS” 2/
dc.description.referencesZawisza K., Legislative Developments in Rail Transport in 2009, “YARS” 3/
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