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Tytuł: Mothers, Daughters, Sisters: The Intergenerational Transmission of Womanhood in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and The Testaments
Inne tytuły: Matere, hčere, sestre: Medgeneracijski prenos ženskosti v romanih Deklina zgodba in Testamenti Margaret Atwood
Autorzy: Feldman-Kołodziejuk, Ewelina
Słowa kluczowe: feminism
The Handmaid’s Tale
The Testaments
Margaret Atwood
Deklina zgodba
Data wydania: 2020
Data dodania: 1-lip-2020
Wydawca: Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts
Źródło: ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries Vol. 17, No. 1 (2020), s. 67-85
Abstrakt: The article reads The Handmaid’s Tale and The Testaments as a response to changes in the feminist movement. Less radical than their mothers’ generation, second-wave feminists’ daughters often abandoned the struggle for equality and focused on homemaking. Nevertheless, the 1990s saw a resurgence of the women’s liberation movement known as the third wave. These feminism(s) significantly redefined the notion of womanhood and emphasised the diversity of the female. After 2010, critics argue, third-wave feminism entered the fourth wave. This analysis of The Handmaid’s Tale focuses on Offred’s relationship with her mother, which is representative of the wider phenomenon of the Backlash. It investigates how the mother and her generation influenced the maternal choices of the Handmaid and discusses the trauma of child removal suffered by Offred. The final section examines The Testaments through the lens of third-wave feminism and analyzes the plight of Offred’s daughters, focusing on their attitudes towards womanhood and maternity.
Članek obravnava romana Deklina zgodba in Testamenti kot odziv na spremembe v feminističnem gibanju. Hčere feministk drugega vala, ki so bile manj radikalne kot njihove matere, so pogosto opustile boj za enakost in se osredotočile na gospodinjstvo. Kljub temu smo bili v devetdesetih letih dvajsetega stoletja priča ponovni oživitvi ženskega osvobodilnega gibanja, ki ga imenujemo tretji val feminizma. Ti feminizmi so bistveno preoblikovali idejo ženskosti in poudarili raznovrstnost žensk. Kritiki trdijo, da je po letu 2010 tretji val feminizma vstopil v četrti val. Ta analiza romana Deklina zgodba se osredotoča na Offredin odnos s svojo materjo, ki je reprezentativen za širši pojav Nasprotovanja. Preiskuje, kako sta mati in njena generacija vplivali na odločitve o materinstvu Dekel in obravnava travmo premestitve otroka, ki jo je trpela Offred. Zadnji del preučuje roman Testamenti skozi prizmo tretjega vala feminizma in analizira težek položaj Offredinih hčera ter se osredotoča na njun odnos do ženskosti in materinstva.
Afiliacja: University of Białystok, Poland
ISSN: 1581-8918
Typ Dokumentu: Article
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Artykuły naukowe (WFil)

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