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dc.contributor.authorBartes, Richard-
dc.identifier.citationOptimization of Organization and Legal Solutions concerning Public Revenues and Expenditures in Public Interest (Conference Proceedings), ed. Ewa Lotko, Urszula K. Zawadzka-Pąk, Michal Radvan, Bialystok-Vilnius 2018, s. 781-791pl
dc.description.abstractThe contribution deals with the French juridical institute of “fiscal repentant” in the context of the fight against tax evasions. The implementation of new organs and the system of sanctions are related to the mentioned juridical institute. The contribution is conceived interdisciplinary, it deals with issues of the French financial criminal law, as a part of the section of the French public finances. The contribution does not forget to mention one of the most infamous cases related to international tax evasions, so-called Panama Papers and the role of the presented French juridical institute of “fiscal repentant” in this case. Finally, the contribution contains a comparison between the French juridical institute of “fiscal repentant” and the juridical institute of effective penitence under the Czech penal code. The aim of the contribution is to confi rm or disprove the hypothesis that the French juridical institute of “fiscal repentant” could be implemented into the Czech legal system. The analytical, comparative, as well as descriptive methods, were used in this paper,
dc.publisherTemida 2pl
dc.subjectfiscal repentantpl
dc.subjecttax lawpl
dc.subjecttax evasionspl
dc.subjecttax amnestypl
dc.titleJuridical Institute of “Fiscal Repentant”pl
dc.typeBook chapterpl
dc.description.BiographicalnotePh.D. student of Financial Law, the Department of Financial Law and National Economy, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, the Czech Republic. The Author specializes in the branch of French conception of public finance, or rather in the French public finance school which he compares to the Czech model of public finance. He is a member of the board of directors of the Alliance française in
dc.description.AffiliationMasaryk Universitypl
dc.description.referencesBouvier, M.: Introduction au droit fiscal général et à la théorie de l’impôt (Introduction to General Tax Law and Tax Theory), Paris: L.G.D.J.,
dc.description.referencesCastagnet, M.: Bercy durcit les pénalités pour les repentis fiscaux (Bercy hardens penalties for fiscal repentants), La Croix (2016).
dc.description.referencesMonassier, B.: Repentis fiscaux: jouons plutôt la carte de l´amnistie (Fiscal repentance: let´s play the amnesty card instead), Les Echos (2016).
dc.description.referencesPirenay, A.: France probes 560 people over Panama Papers tax fraud, The Local (2016).
dc.description.referencesRabreau, M.: Comment Bercy gére l’afflux des repentis fiscaux (How Bercy manages the influx of fiscal repentants), Le Figaro (2016).
dc.identifier.citation2Optimization of Organization and Legal Solutions concerning Public Revenues and Expenditures in Public Interest (Conference Proceedings), ed. Ewa Lotko, Urszula K. Zawadzka-Pąk, Michal Radvanpl
dc.conferenceXVI International Scientific Conference "The Optimization of Organization and Legal Solutions concerning Public Revenues and Expenditures in Social Interest", Vilnius 21-22 September 2017pl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Książki / Rozdziały (Temida2)
XVI International Scientific Conference "The Optimization of Organization and Legal Solutions concerning Public Revenues and Expenditures in Social Interest" 21-22 September 2017

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