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dc.contributor.authorMudrecki, Artur-
dc.identifier.citationOptimization of Organization and Legal Solutions concerning Public Revenues and Expenditures in Public Interest (Conference Proceedings), ed. Ewa Lotko, Urszula K. Zawadzka-Pąk, Michal Radvan, Bialystok-Vilnius 2018, s. 633-649pl
dc.description.abstractThe principle of proportionality in tax law has a normative character. At the same time, the principle under analysis is of a stipulate nature and should exert significant influence on legislative processes in the construction of a tax system. Standards developed in legal scholarship regarding the principle of proportionality, particularly a test designed to fulfill standards, can be used in the science of tax law. The principle of proportionality is a significant tool employed in the interpretation of tax law applied by the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Polish Constitutional Tribunal. Undoubtedly the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Polish Constitutional Tribunal impacts the case law of the Polish Supreme Administrative Court in the interpretation of provisions of tax law within the scope of application of the principle of
dc.publisherTemida 2pl
dc.subjectvalue-added taxpl
dc.titleThe Principle of Proportionality in Value Added Taxpl
dc.typeBook chapterpl
dc.description.BiographicalnoteDoctor, is a professor in the Department of Financial and Tax Law, Kozminski University and a judge of the Supreme Administrative Court in Poland, Head of the Tax Law Department in the Judicial Decisions Bureau of the Supreme Administrative Court. He is also a member of the Fiscal Association Polish Branch and the International Association Centre for Information and Organization of Research on Public Finances and Tax Law of the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe – Association at the Bialystok University, European Association of Tax Law Professors, Faculty of Law and the Financial Law Association AURES in Opole. He specializes in tax law and is an author of over 100 publications, mainly on tax law. Particularly noteworthy is his monograph “Due process in tax proceedings”.pl
dc.description.AffiliationKozminski Universitypl
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dc.description.referencesEU: Council Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of value added
dc.description.referencesEU: Court of Justice of the European Union: no. C- 527/
dc.description.referencesEU: Court of Justice of the European Union: no. C-25/
dc.description.referencesEU: Court of Justice of the European Union in another verdict: no. CJEU: 564/
dc.description.referencesPL: Act of 10 February 2017 on amending the Act – the Criminal Code and other
dc.description.referencesPL: Tax Ordinance Act of 27 August 1997, as
dc.description.referencesPL: Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 22 March 2002 on Excise
dc.description.referencesPL: Regulation of the Minister of Finance: no. 3/2002 on Excise
dc.description.referencesPL: Tax Audit Act of 28 September 1991, as
dc.description.referencesPL: Constitutional Tribunal: SK.40/
dc.description.referencesPL: Constitutional Tribunal: SK.21/
dc.description.referencesPL: Constitutional Tribunal: P.11/
dc.description.referencesPL: Constitutional Tribunal: K.23/
dc.description.referencesPL: Constitutional Tribunal: P.30/
dc.description.referencesPL: Constitutional Tribunal: K.19/
dc.description.referencesPL: Constitutional Tribunal: SK.14/
dc.description.referencesPL: Constitutional Tribunal: SK.2/
dc.description.referencesPL: Constitutional Tribunal: K.20/
dc.description.referencesPL: Constitutional Tribunal: K.8/
dc.description.referencesPL: Constitutional Tribunal: K.66/
dc.description.referencesPL: Supreme Administrative Court: I FSK 1278/
dc.description.referencesPL: Supreme Administrative Court: I FSK 1916/
dc.description.referencesPL: Supreme Administrative Court: 1536/
dc.description.referencesPL: Supreme Administrative Court: I FSK 709/
dc.identifier.citation2Optimization of Organization and Legal Solutions concerning Public Revenues and Expenditures in Public Interest (Conference Proceedings), ed. Ewa Lotko, Urszula K. Zawadzka-Pąk, Michal Radvanpl
dc.conferenceXVI International Scientific Conference "The Optimization of Organization and Legal Solutions concerning Public Revenues and Expenditures in Social Interest", Vilnius 21-22 September 2017pl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Książki / Rozdziały (Temida2)
XVI International Scientific Conference "The Optimization of Organization and Legal Solutions concerning Public Revenues and Expenditures in Social Interest" 21-22 September 2017

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