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dc.contributor.authorŚwięch-Kujawska, Katarzyna-
dc.identifier.citationOptimization of Organization and Legal Solutions concerning Public Revenues and Expenditures in Public Interest (Conference Proceedings), ed. Ewa Lotko, Urszula K. Zawadzka-Pąk, Michal Radvan, Bialystok-Vilnius 2018, s. 461-472pl
dc.description.abstractThe paper was devoted to issues related to the premises of granting reliefs in the payment of tax liability. The prime purpose of the study is an in-depth analysis of the conditions of application of the tax preferences in question. The considerations serve to justify the thesis that the main purpose of the application of tax reliefs in the payment of tax liability is to ensure flexibility in the application of tax law. At the same time, the criteria for their application were formulated on the basis of general clauses, which hinders the practical use of this institution. The research used the method of analyzing the legal text and the judicature acquis as well as the tax law
dc.publisherTemida 2pl
dc.subjecttax reliefpl
dc.subjecttax actpl
dc.subjecttax liabilitypl
dc.titlePremises of Granting Reliefs in Payment of Tax Liabilitypl
dc.typeBook chapterpl
dc.description.BiographicalnoteProfessor for Financial Law, Chair of Territorial Self-Government Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Szczecin, Poland. Member of Center for Information and Research Organization in Public Finance and Tax Law of Central and Eastern European
dc.description.AffiliationUniversity of Szczecinpl
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dc.description.referencesPL: Tax Ordinance Act of 29 August
dc.description.referencesPL: Supreme Administrative Court: SA/Wr 3095/
dc.description.referencesPL: Supreme Administrative Court: SA/Sz 850/
dc.description.referencesPL: Supreme Administrative Court: I SA/Lu 1485/
dc.description.referencesPL: Supreme Administrative Court: I SA/Kr 983/
dc.description.referencesPL: Supreme Administrative Court: III SA 372/
dc.description.referencesPL: Supreme Administrative Court: I SA/Lu 1770/
dc.description.referencesPL: Supreme Administrative Court: I FSK 31/
dc.description.referencesPL: Supreme Administrative Court: II FSK 510/
dc.description.referencesPL: Supreme Administrative Court: II FSK 1134/
dc.description.referencesPL: Voivodship Administrative Court: I SA/Lu 944/
dc.description.referencesPL: Voivodship Administrative Court: I SA/Po 315/
dc.description.referencesPL: Voivodship Administrative Court: OSK 1334/
dc.description.referencesPL: Voivodship Administrative Court: I SA/Po 1281/
dc.description.referencesPL: Voivodship Administrative Court: I SA/Op 111/
dc.description.referencesPL: Voivodship Administrative Court: I SA/Sz 1063/
dc.description.referencesPL: Voivodship Administrative Court: I SA/Gd 362/
dc.identifier.citation2Optimization of Organization and Legal Solutions concerning Public Revenues and Expenditures in Public Interest (Conference Proceedings), ed. Ewa Lotko, Urszula K. Zawadzka-Pąk, Michal Radvanpl
dc.conferenceXVI International Scientific Conference "The Optimization of Organization and Legal Solutions concerning Public Revenues and Expenditures in Social Interest", Vilnius 21-22 September 2017pl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Książki / Rozdziały (Temida2)
XVI International Scientific Conference "The Optimization of Organization and Legal Solutions concerning Public Revenues and Expenditures in Social Interest" 21-22 September 2017

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