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dc.contributor.authorRedo, Sławomir-
dc.identifier.citationEastern European Journal of Transnational Relations, Vol. 2, no 1, 2018, p. 53-70pl
dc.descriptionThis article seeks further to systematize and develop some ideas from my earlier text “United Nations ‘Earth jurisprudence’, its Golden Rule, the ‘refugee problem’ and urban safety”. In: Kury, H, & Redo, S. Refugees and Migrants in Law and Policy – Challenges and Opportunities for Global Civic Education. Springer: Berlin- Heidelberg- New York (2018). The author thanks Prof. Dr., Dr. h.c. mult. Helmut Kury (Germany), Tamara Mitrofanenko (Consultant, United Nations Environmental Programme, Vienna), and Margaret Shaw (Crime and Social Policy Consulting, Montreal, QC, Canada) for their comments on an earlier draft of this
dc.description.abstractThis public policy essay discusses the various criminological facets of the Golden Rule in the context of urban stewardship – the concept which emphasizes the role of the protection of the environment as a part of people’s natural habitat. Among these facets the right to safety in the Global North cities experiencing the influx of refugees and other migrants from the Global South deserves critical attention. It invites the question how to operationalize that right to the mutual advantage of such newcomers and native residents. In a broader socio-economic context of reducing inequalities promoted by the 2016-2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda, the findings which suggest that both groups of residents appreciate a clean and safe habitat, and, finally, against the background of terrorist attacks in the Global North cities, the author of the essay advances the thesis that urban stewardship programmes/projects embracing concerned residents may be helpful to strengthen the feeling of safety in the
dc.publisherPublishing House Temida 2pl
dc.rightsUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska*
dc.subjectEarth jurisprudencepl
dc.subjectGolden Rulepl
dc.subjectright to safetypl
dc.subjectterrorist attackspl
dc.subjectUnited Nations Sustainable Development Agendapl
dc.subjecturban stewardshippl
dc.subjectzero tolerancepl
dc.titleCriminological reflections on the Golden Rule and urban stewardship for safetypl
dc.description.BiographicalnoteDr. hab. (Law/Criminology); Senior Adviser, Academic Council on the United Nations System (Vienna, Austria); F. United Nations Senior Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Expert and staff of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (ret.).pl
dc.description.AffiliationAcademic Council on the United Nations Systempl
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dc.identifier.citation2Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relationspl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations, 2018, Vol. 2, No. 1

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