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2023Member States' obligations resulting from wasteful spending funds in the implementation of projects co-financed by EU funds in the light of the EU law. Searching for a common standard for management and control systemsPoreżyńska, Magdalena--
2023The issue of impartiality of voivodeship board members involved in the implementation of the European Union funds within the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-27Perkowski, Maciej; Kosicki, Artur; Sarosiek, Joanna--
2023Recovery of unpaid funding by beneficiaries of EU fundsBrysiewicz, Krzysztof--
2023Implementation procedures for EU development policy in PolandJaśkiewicz, Jacek--
2023The public interest perspective in the medical groundsDuma, Anna--
2023The significance of autonomous interpretation of the term ‘beneficiary’ for the EU funds management system under the Cohesion PolicyTalaga, Robert--
2023Iustitias vestras iudicabo – European Commision’s action against Poland over the prohibition of pharmacy advertisingKarpowicz, Krzysztof--
2023Are national institutions implementing European Union funds part of the EU institutional system sensu largo? Observations from the perspective of PolandHryniewicka-Filipkowska, Wioleta--
2023Discovering the Best Criminology Program in Poland: Contemplation of the Month-long Sabbatical at the University of BiałystokCao, Liqun--
2023Legal consequences of exhaustion of the amount allocated for co-financing of projects under the appeal procedure in the 2021-2027 financial perspectiveSnarski, Sławomir Jerzy; Martyniuk. Marek--