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dc.contributor.authorRedlarska, Zofia-
dc.identifier.citationEdukacja dziecka – mity i fakty, pod redakcją Elżbiety Jaszczyszyn i Jolanty Szada-Borzyszkowskiej, Białystok 2010, s. 532-539pl
dc.description.abstractWhat made me familiarize myself thoroughly with the life and works of the outstanding Polish poet? I realized how many unfair stereotypes grew aro - und this unconventional figure. Today for some people Maria Konopnicka is a synonym of boredom and archaism, a nightmare of school readers and text - books hardened into a monumental greatness (...). Why is the poet adored in her time disliked at present? It is true that the generations that met with Konopnicka in their Polish studies treated her as an object of cult, an author nearly worshipped. Contemporary readers neglect her, rejecting the signs of compulsion and manipulation she was associated with. Thus Maria Konopnicka, an outstanding author, unparalleled lyricist extolling the beauty of her mother country became a myth. Therefore it is so difficult today to warm up and “unglorify” the figure of the poet. Librarians claim that children reach out for books by Konopnicka and the school compulsion does not seem to be a decisive factor affecting their reading. They read mainly her charming melodious poems. I think that it is adults who create unfavourable climate towards the poet and ascribe to children their own negative feelings towards
dc.publisherTrans Humana Wydawnictwo Uniwersyteckiepl
dc.subjectMaria Konopnickapl
dc.subjectedukacja dziecka w wieku wczesnoszkolnympl
dc.subjectpoezja dziecięcego światapl
dc.subjecttwórczość dla dziecipl
dc.titleTwórczość Marii Konopnickiej w edukacji dzieckapl
dc.title.alternativeThe works of Maria Konopnicka in child’s educationpl
dc.typeBook chapterpl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Książki / Rozdziały (STH)
Książki/Rozdziały (WNoE)

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