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dc.contributor.authorMohyluk, Mariusz-
dc.identifier.citationBiałostockie Studia Prawnicze, z. 11, 2012, s. 11-27pl
dc.description.abstractThe Polish state that regained its independence in November 1918, still operated under the various legal systems (Austrian, German, French, Russian, Hungarian – Spiš and Orava) of the partitioning states. Law organization was the problem of main importance while laying down the foundations of the Second Republic (1918- 1939) and became a heated political and social issue. Reorganizing the law was the role of Polish lawyers of that time. In the Second Republic, the Codification Commission, which was founded especially for this purpose, was in charge of this task. The Codification Commission of the Republic of Poland was set up by the law passed by Legislative Sejm on 3 June 1919 and was a state body whose task was to “prepare acts of uniform legislation to be binding on all territories belonging to the state.” Handling this task pursuant to Law on the system of common courts (including the public prosecutor’s office) was the role of the Sub-committee for the structuring of judicial system of the Codification Commission, founded in 1920. Simultaneously, work on this issue was taken up by the Ministry of Justice. Moreover, the lower house of the Polish parliament also played an important role here as it adopted both the March Constitution and the structure of the judicial system and therefore established directions for the Sub-committee and the Ministry’s activity. The ultimate success of the work of the Codification Commission of the Republic of Poland on the reform of the public prosecutor’s office was the President’s Ordinance Law on the system of common courts of 3 February 1928. Finally, a uniform structure of the public prosecutor’s office was introduced on the territory of the Second Republic. Actually, these acts were a compilation of work on this issue of both the government and the Codification
dc.publisherTemida 2pl
dc.subjectThe Second Republicpl
dc.subjectthe Codifi cation Commission of the Republic of Polandpl
dc.subjectthe public prosecutor’s offi cepl
dc.subjectthe President’s Ordinance Law on the system of common courts of 3 February 1928pl
dc.titleРабота кодификационной комиссии II Речи Посполитой над реформой прокуратурыpl
dc.title.alternativeWork of Codification Commission of the Second Republic on the public prosecutor’s officepl
dc.description.AffiliationUniwersytet w Białymstokupl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Artykuły naukowe (WP)
Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 2012, Z. 11

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