Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 2024, Vol. 29 nr 3 : [17]
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  1. Karolina Małgorzata Cern, José Manuel Aroso Linhares, Bartosz Wojciechowski
    The Narrative Subject of Law: An Introduction to and Outline of a Long-Awaited Turn in Law
  2. Adam Sulikowski
    How to Humanize ‘Feral Children’: Constructing ‘Proper Identities’ in Liberal and Illiberal Legal Discourses
  3. Marta Andruszkiewicz
    Narrativity and the Idea of Narrative Identity in Law
  4. Monika Zalewska, Carsten Heidemann
    Grundnorm and Grounding A modern Metaphysics for Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory?
  5. Bartosz Liżewski
    The Personal Identity of the Human Being and the Right to Privacy from the Perspective of Standards of the European Court of Human Rights: Theoretical Legal Reflections
  6. Ivan Ladislav Padjen
    Identity Claims and the Legal Order: Secular or Religious?
  7. Agnieszka Bielska-Brodziak, Aneta Gawlik-Starzyk, Tomasz Jakubowski, Małgorzata Trofimiuk-Müldner
    Split Genders: Medical versus Legal Understanding of Gender Identity (De Lege Lata and De Lege Ferenda)
  8. Jack B. Hamlin, Jamir E. Hairston, Alejandro Mendez
    Cultural Moral Evolution: A Proposed Model and Application in a Review and Analysis of the Evolutionary Stages of Diverse Cultures and the Impact on the Emergence and Identification of LGBTQA+ Communities
  9. Anetta Breczko, Agata Breczko
    Gender Identity in Cis-Heteronormative Legal Orders: A Comparative Approach – Poland and Mexico
  10. Elżbieta Kużelewska, Marta Michalczuk-Wlizło, Bruna Žuber, Matevž Bedič, Mariana Mesquita Vilas Boas, Luísa Ramos Naia
    The Evolution of Same-Sex Marriage Case Law in Europe
  11. Dominika Kuźnicka-Błaszkowska, Mariusz Jabłoński
    Information on Gender Identity as Personal Data under EU and US Data Protection Models
  12. Joanna Helios, Wioletta Jedlecka
    In Search of Women’s Identity
  13. Ewa Nowak, Jelson Oliveira, Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo
    The Nomos of the Water: Indigenous Narrative Identity Claims to Justify Granting Legal Personhood to a River
  14. Maciej Barczewski, Sebastian Sykuna
    Navigating Legal and Cultural Intersections: The Impact of Law on Minority Traditions and Identity
  15. Arianna Maceratini
    Subjective Identity and the Right to be Forgotten: A Multifaceted Claim in the Legal System
  16. Ilona Urych, Cezary Smuniewski, Błażej Bado
    Between ‘Quo Vadis?’ and ‘Unde Venis?’ Identity and the Legal Order of Young Poles Living in Ireland
  17. Patryk Wawrzyński, Joanna Marszałek-Kawa, Neo Sithole
    Transformation of the Constitutional Identity in South Africa after the Fall of Apartheid

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Collection's Items (Sortowane przez Data zamieszczenia w Malejąco kolejnośi): 1 do 17 z 17
Data wydaniaTytułAutor(rzy)PromotorRedaktor(rzy)
2024Transformation of the Constitutional Identity in South Africa aft er the Fall of ApartheidWawrzyński, Patryk; Marszałek-Kawa, Joanna; Sithole, Neo--
2024Between ‘Quo Vadis?’ and ‘Unde Venis?’ Identity and the Legal Order of Young Poles Living in IrelandUrych, Ilona; Smuniewski, Cezary; Bado, Błażej--
2024Subjective Identity and the Right to be Forgotten: A Multifaceted Claim in the Legal SystemMaceratini, Arianna--
2024Navigating Legal and Cultural Intersections: The Impact of Law on Minority Traditions and IdentityBarczewski, Maciej; Sykuna, Sebastian--
2024The Nomos of the Water: Indigenous Narrative Identity Claims to Justify Granting Legal Personhood to a RiverNowak, Ewa; Oliveira, Jelson; Franzini Tibaldeo, Roberto--
2024In Search of Women’s IdentityHelios, Joanna; Jedlecka, Wioletta--
2024Information on Gender Identity as Personal Data under EU and US Data Protection ModelsKuźnicka-Błaszkowska, Dominika; Jabłoński, Mariusz--
2024The Evolution of Same-Sex Marriage Case Law in EuropeKużelewska, Elżbieta; Michalczuk-Wlizło, Marta; Žuber, Bruna; Bedič, Matevž; Vilas Boas, Mariana Mesquita; Ramos Naia, Luísa--
2024Gender Identity in Cis-Heteronormative Legal Orders: A Comparative Approach – Poland and MexicoBreczko, Anetta; Breczko, Agata--
2024Cultural Moral Evolution: A Proposed Model and Application in a Review and Analysis of the Evolutionary Stages of Diverse Cultures and the Impact on the Emergence and Identifi cation of LGBTQA+ CommunitiesHamlin, Jack B.; Hairston, Jamir E.; Mendez, Alejandro--
2024Split Genders: Medical versus Legal Understanding of Gender Identity (De Lege Lata and De Lege Ferenda)Bielska-Brodziak, Agnieszka; Gawlik-Starzyk, Aneta; Jakubowski, Tomasz; Trofimiuk-Müldner, Małgorzata--
2024Identity Claims and the Legal Order: Secular or Religious?Padjen, Ivan Ladislav--
2024The Personal Identity of the Human Being and the Right to Privacy from the Perspective of Standards of the European Court of Human Rights: Theoretical Legal ReflectionsLiżewski, Bartosz--
2024Grundnorm and Grounding A modern Metaphysics for Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory?Zalewska, Monika; Heidemann, Carsten--
2024Narrativity and the Idea of Narrative Identity in LawAndruszkiewicz, Marta--
2024How to Humanize ‘Feral Children’: Constructing ‘Proper Identities’ in Liberal and Illiberal Legal DiscoursesSulikowski, Adam--
2024The Narrative Subject of Law: An Introduction to and Outline of a Long-Awaited Turn in LawCern, Karolina Małgorzata; Aroso Linhares, José Manuel; Wojciechowski, Bartosz--
Collection's Items (Sortowane przez Data zamieszczenia w Malejąco kolejnośi): 1 do 17 z 17