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dc.contributor.authorWróblewska, Urszula-
dc.identifier.citationKobieta a patriotyzm. Konteksty historyczno-pedagogiczne XVI-XX wieku, pod. red. Elwiry Jolanty Kryńskiej, Łukasza Kalisza, Artura Konopackiego, Białystok 2012, s. 225-243pl
dc.descriptionZdigitalizowano i udostępniono w ramach projektu pn. Rozbudowa otwartych zasobów naukowych Repozytorium Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku – kontynuacja, dofinansowanego z programu „Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki” Ministra Edukacji i Nauki na podstawie umowy BIBL/SP/0040/2023/
dc.description.abstractTatars were settled on the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 14th century by the duke Witold, who knew and admired their abilities and military skills and settled all tribal units alongside the border with Samogitia (Polish: Żmudź) and near such fortified castles and towns as Troki, Vilnius, Kovno, Lida, Nowogródek, Grodno. Tatars adhered to Sunni Islam in spite of the fact they were settled on Lithuanian grounds. Despite they were far away from the Islamic centers, they have been able to adhere to their religion for several centuries. The Crown of the Polish Kingdom and Lithuania appreciated Tatars as soldiers and Tatars troops took part in a lot of fights for freedom of the Polish Republic. The present article shows patriotic attitudes of Tatar women, which directly influenced next generations. Patriotism of Tatar women living in the Second Polish Republic displayed two characteristics. On the one hand, it was based on the tradition of the home upbringing, where women was charged with transmitting the cultural heritage of Tatars. On the other hand, the social work of Tatar women for their community were becoming more and more intensive. It was connected with a growing need for rising of a level of education in Tatar community. One point is especially worthy of notice. Tatar women as Muslim women were more Europeanized than other women practising Islam in other parts of the world. Their religion, Sunni Islam held rules and values which suited to the values of the ideal of the good citizen of the Second Polish Republic. Patriotism of Tatar women in the Second Polish Republic is an example of respect for their homeland showing by upbringing and social work for their Tatar community practising
dc.publisherTrans Humanapl
dc.titlePatriotyzm kobiet tatarskich w II Rzeczypospolitejpl
dc.title.alternativePatriotism of Tatar women in the Second Polish Republicpl
dc.typeBook chapterpl
dc.rights.holder© Copyright by Trans Humana Wydawnictwo Uniwersyteckiepl
dc.identifier.citation2Kobieta a patriotyzm. Konteksty historyczno-pedagogiczne XVI-XX wieku, pod. red. Elwiry Jolanty Kryńskiej, Łukasza Kalisza, Artura Konopackiegopl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Książki / Rozdziały (STH)
Książki/Rozdziały (WNoE)

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