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dc.contributor.authorKirsanova, Olena Valentinovna-
dc.identifier.citationContemporary teaching and research in Ukraine’s universities: challenges, solutions, and perspectives. Conference proceedings, 18th November 2021, Faculty of Education, University of Białystok, edited by Marta Kowalczuk-Walędziak and Krzysztof Sawicki, Białystok 2022, s. 83-89pl
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this paper is to substantiate the system of formation of professional competencies in the preparation of specialists in Pharmacy at the University. Materials: The materials for the study were the normative base of the educational process in the preparation of students-pharmacists and international experience in preventive medicine. Methods: content analysis, system analysis, logical generalisation, medical and statistical, Delphi. Results: The main goal of the university is to train highly competent specialists who have good health potential and are able to long-term support professional activities at a high level. The system of formation of professional competencies in preventive medicine is aimed at logistical management of activities in the process of training and ensuring the selectivity of healthcare
dc.publisherFaculty of Education University of Białystokpl
dc.subjectprofessional competenciespl
dc.subjectpreventive medicinepl
dc.titleFeatures of teaching and forming professional competencies among medical students in Ukrainepl
dc.typeBook chapterpl
dc.rights.holder© Faculty of Education, University of Białystok, Białystok, Polandpl
dc.description.AffiliationZaporizhzhya State Medical Universitypl
dc.description.referencesAraslanova, V.A., and E.S. Burmistrova. (2017). Professional competencies formation of students of the specialty ‘document managing and archiving [Formirovanie professionalnykh kompetentsii u studentov spetsialnosti “Dokumentatsionnoe obespechenie upravleniya i arkhivirovaniya”]. The Journal of Secondary Vocational Education, (5), 22–25. (in Russian)pl
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dc.description.referencesHrabovetskyi, B. Ye. (2010). Methods of expert evaluations: theory, methodology, directions of use [Metody ekspertnykh otsinok: teoriia, metodolohiia, napriamky vykorystannia]. VNTU. (in Ukrainian)pl
dc.description.referencesDyomina, E. A. (2015). General and professional competencies: achieving educational outcomes [Obshchie i professional’nye kompetentsii: puti dostizheniya rezul’tatov obrazovaniya]. The Journal of Secondary Vocational Education, 1, 24–27. (in Russian)pl
dc.description.referencesMinyaeva, O.A., E.Y. Zaytseva, E.V. Zaytseva, and V.A. Ushakova. (2015). Some features of competence approach in teaching specialists in pharmacy [O nekotorykh osobennostyakh kompetentnostnogo pokhoda pri obuchenii spetsialistov v oblasti farmatsii]. Modern Problems of Science and Education, 1.
dc.description.referencesNesterova, L.V. (2017). Formation of intercultural competence as a factor of personality socialization: from the experience of working with Mongolian students [Formirovanie mezhkul’turnoi kompetentsii kak faktora sotsializatsii lichnosti: iz opyta raboty s mongol’skimi studentami]. The Journal of Secondary Vocational Education, 1, 16–21. (in Russian)pl
dc.description.referencesDalkey, N.C. (1969). The Delphi method: An experimental study of group opinion. Rand.
dc.identifier.citation2Contemporary teaching and research in Ukraine’s universities: challenges, solutions, and perspectives. Conference proceedings, 18th November 2021, Faculty of Education, University of Białystok, edited by Marta Kowalczuk-Walędziak and Krzysztof Sawickipl
dc.conferenceConference "Teaching and research in a contemporary university: challenges, solutions, and perspectives", Bialystok, 18th November 2021pl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Conference "Teaching and research in a contemporary university: challenges, solutions, and perspectives", 18th November 2021

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