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dc.contributor.authorGawron, Przemysław-
dc.identifier.citationHonestas et turpitudo. Magnateria Rzeczypospolitej w XVI–XVIII wieku, pod redakcją Ewy Dubas-Urwanowicz, Marty Kupczewskiej, Karola Łopateckiego i Jerzego Urwanowicza, Białystok 2019, s. 317-329pl
dc.description.abstractIn the manuscript of the Sejm Registers stored in the Central Archives of Historical Records (AGAD), there are two records of expenses incurred by Jan Karol Chodkiewicz for the war with the Swedes in Livonia in 1604-1606. Chodkiewicz submitted both documents in order to obtain reimbursement of expenditures incurred on military operations from the crown treasury. Both statements of expenditure indicate that Hetman paid maintenance costs of envoys (legates) sent to the King, Duke ofcourland Frederick, Treasures ofboth nations, Lithuanian nobility and senators, the Livonian army, or the city of Riga. He did not spare a penny for the honored, sick or wounded soldiers. He incurred the cost of advance payments for overdue soldiers' pay in castle troops and garrisons. He paid benefits to deserters from the Swedish army who joined the side of Sigismund III. He incurred the costs of intelligence activities. The list of expenses included money paid to cannoneers, blacksmiths, stelmachians and executioners as well as amounts designated for war equipment and materials. Food purchases were an important item in Hetman's spending. Chodkiewicz rented carters to transport artillery, war equipment and food for the camps and castles. He also paid for the maintenance of Swedish prisoners of war. Moreover, he paid for the funerals of fallen Swedish commanders with his own money. Without Hetman money, the polish-Lithuanian army in Livonia would have be en paralyzed. The Crown Treasury was in no hurry to pay its debts, which affected Chodkiewicz's finances. Despite this, he continued to incur military expenses, probably because this was the practice of the time, not only in the Crown and Lithuania but also in Europe. The king and political elites ofthe Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth expected Hetman not to spare a penny for the public service, promising a reward in the form of royal grants and social
dc.publisherPolskie Towarzystwo Historycznepl
dc.titleWydatki hetmana wielkiego litewskiego Jana Karola Chodkiewicza na wojnę w Inflantach w latach 1604-1606pl
dc.title.alternativeExpenses of the Great Lithuanian Hetman Jan Karol Chodkiewicz on the war in Livonia in 1604-1606pl
dc.typeBook chapterpl
dc.rights.holder© Copyright by Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne &: Authorspl
dc.description.AffiliationUniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawiepl
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dc.identifier.citation2Honestas et turpitudo. Magnateria Rzeczypospolitej w XVI–XVIII wieku, pod redakcją Ewy Dubas-Urwanowicz, Marty Kupczewskiej, Karola Łopateckiego i Jerzego Urwanowiczapl
dc.conferenceOgólnopolska konferencja naukowa „Honestas et turpitudo. Magnateria Rzeczypospolitej w XVI–XVIII wieku”, Augustów 10–12 września 2015
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa „Honestas et turpitudo. Magnateria Rzeczypospolitej w XVI–XVIII wieku”, 10–12 września 2015 r.

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