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dc.contributor.authorSpryszak, Kamil-
dc.identifier.citationEastern European Journal of Transnational Relations, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2023, p. 43-48pl
dc.description.abstractIn today’s dynamic world, where global challenges bring new, often previously unknown aspects, there is an urgent need to adapt the legal framework to contemporary realities. In this context, the European Union, as one of the most complex and integrated legal systems in the world, must constantly evolve to respond effectively to the challenges posed by modern society. One of the key elements of this adaptation is the implementation of soft law standards in the legal and constitutional framework of the European Union. The concept of soft law refers to norms and principles that, although not binding in the traditional sense, influence the shaping of legal practice and constitute an important tool for the interpretation and implementation of hard legal norms. In the context of the European Union, whose structure is based on a complex legal system covering both Community and national law, understanding and proper application of soft law becomes a key issue to maintain unity and effectiveness of action. This article will focus on analyzing the importance of implementing soft law standards in the context of the legal and constitutional system of the European Union. Both theoretical and practical aspects will be considered, showing how norms of this type influence the shaping and development of European law. Moreover, the article will attempt to assess the effectiveness of these standards in the context of the changing political and social realities that the European Union must currently
dc.publisherUniversity of Bialystok, Faculty of Law, Polandpl
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution (CC BY4.0.)pl
dc.subjectEuropean Unionpl
dc.subjectsoft lawpl
dc.subjectlegal and constitutional changespl
dc.titleThe importance of implementing soft law standards in legal and constitutional matters in the European Union system – the case of Polandpl
dc.rights.holder© 2023 Authors. Submitted for open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0.) licensepl
dc.description.AffiliationJan Kochanowski University of Kielce, Polandpl
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dc.identifier.citation2Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relationspl
Występuje w kolekcji(ach):Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations, 2023, Vol. 7, No. 2

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